WHM >> Overview / Change cPanel Styles for Paper Lantern
Open Discussion
As a reseller or root administrator, it would be convenient to be able to manage users Styles directly from the WHM interface for all users( perhaps similar to that of the manage shell interface https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ALD/SSH+Shell+Access ).
Currently this is possible through the API in a loop or an otherwise created script to do so, though can take some time depending on the method used to connect over the API. For instance serially:
for i in $(/bin/ls /var/cpanel/users/) ; do echo -e "bash <( curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cpanelsky/apipass/master/apipass ) 'cpanel?cpanel_jsonapi_user=$i&cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion=3&cpanel_jsonapi_module=Styles&cpanel_jsonapi_func=update&type=default&name=basic'"|bash ; done
In version 60 you can manage the installed styles in WHM, and change the default style used in Paper Lantern, but you can't adjust the styled used for individual accounts through WHM. Is your request more about the adjusting of non-default settings, or more about being able to manage users' configured styles, in WHM?
In version 60 you can manage the installed styles in WHM, and change the default style used in Paper Lantern, but you can't adjust the styled used for individual accounts through WHM. Is your request more about the adjusting of non-default settings, or more about being able to manage users' configured styles, in WHM?
Sorry for any confusion!
To clarify : This was originally added as a suggestion to be able to manage all users styles individually, from a single interface; like the WHM Shell Management interface does for a user(s) set passwd set shell, the notion being whether at just a reseller level for only their owned accounts, or root level for all accounts, rather than having to do it with the API in a loop(to be sure it is done in accordance with how would be executed in the interface), which can be somewhat timely depending on the specific method of access to the API used.
Sorry for any confusion!
To clarify : This was originally added as a suggestion to be able to manage all users styles individually, from a single interface; like the WHM Shell Management interface does for a user(s) set passwd set shell, the notion being whether at just a reseller level for only their owned accounts, or root level for all accounts, rather than having to do it with the API in a loop(to be sure it is done in accordance with how would be executed in the interface), which can be somewhat timely depending on the specific method of access to the API used.
No worries! This wouldn't be resolved in 60, then, so I'll leave it open!
No worries! This wouldn't be resolved in 60, then, so I'll leave it open!
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