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Support for IPv6 address as Main Shared IP

Santosh shared this idea 11 years ago
Open Discussion

As a webhosting provider using IPv6 I would like to be able to have a primary shared IPv6 address (as root or a as reseller) assigned to all virtualhosts automatically, rather than having to manually configure them to be configured with the IPv6 address.

Replies (13)


very simple, the listen task has to change from:

mail dovecot: * to *, [::]

apache: from listen ipV4adres to listen *

nginx (if running apachebooster): from listen 80; to listen [::]:80;




Can't believe this isn't standard. Please implement this!

Obvs theres meant to be enough ipv6 address to go around, but the point of cPanel is mainly for provision of shared/reseller hosting services, which will be sharing ipv4 addresses. If existing webhosts want to offer ipv6 support for their vhosts, they need to be able to apply an ipv6 address to existing vhosts sharing an ipv4 address!!

Please implement, myself and i'm sure many web hosts cannot offer proper ipv6 support to customers until this is an option!


Most hosting providers will assign a number of IPv6 addresses per single IPv4 address.

With that said, even with the ability for each account to have it's own IPv6, there will be many who will need to have a shared IPv6 for various reasons.

This should be a standard feature of IPv6 on cPanel, and I believe that it should not have had IPv6 support released without it..


Cpanel has SNI support...but....

it's working perfect on ipv4.....

but on ipv6: the shared ipv6 adres is missing in the vhost....

it's no feature request, it's a bug in the SNI implementation

the ipv6 implementation is far behind, and only semi-finished..

still waiting for a finish


Arjen E wrote:

Cpanel has SNI support...but....

it's working perfect on ipv4.....

but on ipv6: the shared ipv6 adres is missing in the vhost....

it's no feature request, it's a bug in the SNI implementation

the ipv6 implementation is far behind, and only semi-finished..

still waiting for a finish

Yes, this is absolutely a defect of the implementation of IPv6. I have been trying to get cPanel to bind onto IPv6 and simply cannot.

Pick up your game cPanel. You have a number of cheaper and free alternatives that can do this.


2 year..... and the httpd.conf vhost config:

<VirtualHost xx.xxx.xx.xxx:443>

Only the ipv4 shared adres in the vhosts.. nu dualstack... ;-(


This feature is very important, the main competitor of the cpanel support this feature!

Many of these servers run in cloud platforms, which provide a limited amount of IPs, it is impossible to dedicate one for each domain!

It's easy to implement this! The Cpanel has left out some very important things lately! Like Full SNI support and DNSSec


Thanks all for your interest in this! We are still seeing abysmally low adoption of IPv6 across cPanel systems, and on the internet at large, but we are keeping an eye on it. I'll update here as soon as there's been any update internally!


@benny , "low adoption of IPv6 accross cpanel".

at the moment all services can use the shared ipv6 adres. the only one missing: Apache !

thats why there is a low adoption of ipv6 on cpanel systems !


Exactly! On all servers that use the competitor panel, which already has this feature for years, I am active ipv6 and running perfectly, since it was implemented.

The cpanel team has not paid attention to little things that are very important!


The other issue is that new accounts don't appear to be automatically assigned an IPv6 address (unless I'm missing something!). It would be good if we can have IPv6 enabled by default when creating an account (assign it to the shared IP), and also support to assign an IPv6 address to a reseller as their own shared address (in the same way that you can do so for IPv4).


When the implementation of IPv6 is [crappy], you can't be surprised when adoption is "abysmally low", and that is certainly no reason to ignore it.

Polish this up and make it functional and I would expect it would actually get used.


I can certainly understand that perspective. Looking at the IPV6 use across the entire internet we're still at less than 15% (when last I checked). Even here on the feature request site, having 20 votes for the feature shows me that it's not as important to people that are using cPanel as I might expect it to be. For comparison, the things we're working on for version 60 right now have ~300-500 votes. The number of votes don't necessarily directly translate to our working on it, but we definitely use the votes to track public interest in a given feature.

For sure, if you know of people that are interested in us improving our IPv6 support, get them over here to voice their support. I want this site to reflect actual public desires, so it'd be very, very useful for me.


In my opinion it's not a matter of what the public want (off course that counts) but to be prepared for the future. To over IPv6 to your customers could be a key selling point. The "internet" wants to move to IPv6 as soon as possible and we would like to do this too.


It will become mandatory sometime soon,

Not long time ago it was below 15% Now its around 20% with US Adoption rate at 35% as per google.

Refer: https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption&tab=per-country-ipv6-adoption

I would say sooner the better.


In france there are still alot of companies / individuals who don't have ipv6 capacity. It seems that some internet suppliers are waiting for all old hardware to break down so that it can be replaced with ipv6 capable hardware.

While IPv4's are available at a reasonable price and not all internet conections are compatible IPv6 we don't have the need for it. It would be nice to have an ipv6 automaticaly attributed to each vhost.

Customer's sometimes ask about ipv6, but only because non cPanel competitors offer it. When we explain that not all internet suppliers are compatible with ipv6 and that they get a dedicated ipv4 they forget about ipv6 support.

IPv6 shared IP would only be usefull on small servers as the idea of IPv6 is to have so many that each applience in a household or each vhost in cPanel's cas could have it's own IP (that would be an IP per subdomain and not an IP per user). We have 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IPv6's with each of our servers, so with IPv6 we won't be needing a shared IPv6.


I agree!

It's more useful if a random IPv6 can be enable by default in the package options for each domain or virtual host instead.


This would be really helpful to us, our datacentre has told us that we need to start deploying IPv6 across our infrastructure to allow us to order more IPv4 addresses. We've started to test deploy these for VPS channels, but having a cpanel server that can run on IPv6 only would be fantastic. We already have a /32 ipv6 address and if cpanel could use it exclusively we wouldn't have to ask for an IP address for my lifespan!

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