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Second Hard Drive

Michael Kinsella shared this idea 9 years ago
Open Discussion


Many new servers are coming with second hard drives, with out through the SSH manual update to find and mount, would be great if WHM had this already installed. When adding accounts to the server a menu drop down box to pick the drive.



Best Answer

Please keep discussion in this feature restricted to "I would like a GUI in WHM for mounting hard drives so I don't have to use SSH to do this." Discussion and requests on how that additional drive should be used needs put into a different feature request. Please keep in mind that cPanel & WHM will already function out of the box with multiple mount points for account creation.

We used to have a feature in WHM for formatting and mounting hard drives. We removed the feature as it caused many problems for users. A question I have related to that, how should the following devices be represented in your proposed user interface:

  • An external hard drive attached via USB (or similar external port)
  • An CD or DVD drive
  • A drive, or partition, dedicated to storing backups but not mounted all the time

Replies (4)


I think this needs to be expanded to where you can set /home max

defaults and when that /home has reached a max count, it starts a new

/homeX (x being a number) on another assigned drive. This way you can

span drives and this would fit into cPanels backup.


Account creation already will work with multiple mount points. You need to configure the following option in Basic cPanel & WHM Setup: Additional home directories matching the following value will also be used for new home directory creations.

That field defaults to 'home'. With multiple mount points, Account Creation will choose a matching mount point with the most free space to receive the new account.


This should not be the default assumption!

In many (if not most) cases the 2nd drive is a SLOW drive intended for backup purposes. The only way a user discovers this is after the fact, then a lot of rework is needed - actually there appears to be no solution for adequately moving the account, so the only good solution is to throw way the work, and start over.

Including an option for selecting the target drive seems obvious as there's really no good algorithm for cPanel to automatically determine what is best for the server - largest free space is simply an ignorant assumption.


Adding a second drive if mounted should be apart of the WHM script, and should be easy to use.......Not going into SSH and making all the changes.......Plus Cpanel gave me a third party web site to complete the SSH update......

Makes me think



Please keep discussion in this feature restricted to "I would like a GUI in WHM for mounting hard drives so I don't have to use SSH to do this." Discussion and requests on how that additional drive should be used needs put into a different feature request. Please keep in mind that cPanel & WHM will already function out of the box with multiple mount points for account creation.

We used to have a feature in WHM for formatting and mounting hard drives. We removed the feature as it caused many problems for users. A question I have related to that, how should the following devices be represented in your proposed user interface:

  • An external hard drive attached via USB (or similar external port)
  • An CD or DVD drive
  • A drive, or partition, dedicated to storing backups but not mounted all the time


Quote We used to have a feature in WHM for formatting and mounting hard drives. We removed the feature as it caused many problems for users

Should be that......if possible have this back and in update, so user can add if required.....like the other update and features.

Just my 2 cents....



Need this feature to easily add additional mounted hard drives as usable space in cpanel.

"We used to have it but don't anymore cause we're not savvy enough to make it work properly" IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER.


Thanks for the feedback! To clarify, the feature did exist at one point but we found that differentiating between the types of drives that could be mounted wasn't easy to do for our less savvy users. It is still possible to use a second harddisk in your server and to have cPanel/WHM aware of it, however. If you're having trouble with that, or need any additional assistance, please do either open a ticket with our support department ( https://tickets.cpanel.net ) or send me an email: ( benny@cpanel.net ), and we'll help get you squared away.


this is easy enought todo and can easily be done via ssh

How do I mount and format my new storage device?

The first block storage device is connected to your server as /dev/vdb. Additional devices will be relabeled ( /dev/vdc, /dev/vdd, and so forth). By default, we do not create any filesystems on block storage volumes.

(Linux) Create partitions: 
# parted -s /dev/vdb mklabel gpt 
# parted -s /dev/vdb unit mib mkpart primary 0% 100% 
(Linux) Create filesystem: 
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1 
(Linux) Mount block storage: 
# mkdir /mnt/blockstorage 
# echo >> /etc/fstab 
# echo /dev/vdb1 /mnt/blockstorage ext4 defaults,noatime,nofail 0 0 >> /etc/fstab  
# mount /mnt/blockstorage 
mkdir will make the directory name of what would be know as home and may name it home2 in cpanel/whm


please note this is a tutorial from vultr.com on a vps service but yes as a user using ovh.com & soyoustart.com im getting 3-4 2+tb drives per a dedicated server

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