Please consider to add in customizable start and end date for email forwarding for email account.
scheduled email forwarding like autorepsonders
Open Discussion
As a server administrator I would like cPanel to allow the scheduling of email forwarders similar to the scheduling of autoresponders.
If only this feature was available! I used to host my customer domains with Heart Internet and they provided this functionality through their system (not cPanel & WHM). I really miss it!
My customers often want to forward email to another member of staff, to coincide with their autoresponder which often includes a message like "your email has been forwarded to x". The only way I can make that happen is to manually set an alarm on my phone to create a forward at the same time the autoresponder kicks in. This is very low-tech and a pain in the proverbials!
If only this feature was available! I used to host my customer domains with Heart Internet and they provided this functionality through their system (not cPanel & WHM). I really miss it!
My customers often want to forward email to another member of staff, to coincide with their autoresponder which often includes a message like "your email has been forwarded to x". The only way I can make that happen is to manually set an alarm on my phone to create a forward at the same time the autoresponder kicks in. This is very low-tech and a pain in the proverbials!
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