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Option for Amazon S3 "REDUCED REDUNDANCY"
Open Discussion
An option at the backup Amazon S3 to save files in REDUCED REDUNDANCY or STANDARD REDUNDANC. Now all the files are saved in Standard REDUNDANCY, but would be nice to have the checkbox for REDUCED.
You can use an optional header on a PUT request to specify the setting REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
Noting this is nearly identical to the existing feature request for Amazon S3's similar "Glacier" service:
I mention this in case individuals interested in this feature might also be interested in the other linked feature.
Noting this is nearly identical to the existing feature request for Amazon S3's similar "Glacier" service:
I mention this in case individuals interested in this feature might also be interested in the other linked feature.
I came here to propose this same thing. Setting uploaded files to have Reduced Redundancy may help hosting companies, resellers and sysadmins to cut costs in their Amazon bill. Would be a nice detail by cPanel. :)
The only thing I'm not sure, is if in the future cPanel could restore backups from S3 instances using Reduced Redundancy. Nowadays, if the retain files option is unchecked, Backup Restoration is unable to read what is on the S3 bucket. Don't know if this is a bug, or intended functionality, or if not implmented because the feature is still under development... Anybody here from cPanel to confirm this would be great.
Best regards
I came here to propose this same thing. Setting uploaded files to have Reduced Redundancy may help hosting companies, resellers and sysadmins to cut costs in their Amazon bill. Would be a nice detail by cPanel. :)
The only thing I'm not sure, is if in the future cPanel could restore backups from S3 instances using Reduced Redundancy. Nowadays, if the retain files option is unchecked, Backup Restoration is unable to read what is on the S3 bucket. Don't know if this is a bug, or intended functionality, or if not implmented because the feature is still under development... Anybody here from cPanel to confirm this would be great.
Best regards
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