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More flexibility and options with Backup Configuration

osirion shared this idea 8 years ago
Open Discussion

As the subject suggests, increase flexibility in the time and backup type.

For example the options would look like this:


Backup Daily

[ ] Sunday [ ] Monday [ ] Tuesday [ ] Wednesday [ ] Thursday [ ] Friday [ ] Saturday

Perform ( ) Full backups. ( ) Incremental Backups

Retain ___ Daily backups.

Backup Weekly

( ) Sunday ( ) Monday ( ) Tuesday ( ) Wednesday ( ) Thursday ( ) Friday ( ) Saturday

Perform ( ) Full backups. ( ) Incremental Backups

Retain ___ Weekly backups.

Backup Monthly

[ ] 1st of the Month [ ] 15th of the Month

Perform ( ) Full backups. ( ) Incremental Backups

Retain ___ Monthly backups.


This would save tons of space instead of generating and keeping, for example 3 of each backup type, that equates to 9 full backups that would take tons of space and time to complete. With the above flexibility, one could create one full backup a month (or week if they so choose) and then have the week / daily backups on incremental which would take a fraction of the time to complete and space taken up on the server.

Replies (5)


That's actually a very good idea, it's similar to an "archiving" feature


Did this ever happen? I was just looking for exactly that feature. I'd like it to do daily incremental then a compressed weekly or possibly monthly.


As an advanced but highly flexible feature I think there should be a level above all the current backup settings whereby I can create multiple simultaneous backup profiles.

For example, I would go to Backup Configuration, select Create New Backup Profile. Choose from similar options that exist now such as... I want a Daily Incremental Backup on the selected days stored locally, name the profile and save.

Then I could create another New Backup Profile that is also a Daily Backup but using an offsite Destination backup service like Amazon, Google Drive, Dropbox etc. (These options could utilize a plugin-like system so new destinations can be easily added as they're developed.)

It should allow as many profiles as I want even if I want Daily Backups going to 4 different destinations as defined by 4 different profiles and of course Weekly Monthly or whatever other schedules that are User Defined.

The Profile list should also be able to Enable or Disable a Profile so one could temporarily be disabled without losing settings. Could be useful if there's a problem with a destination requiring the Profile to be disabled until a fix is released.

In addition to the current "what to backup" options it would be nice to have an "All user accounts" option or the ability to select from a the available accounts so you could create a Profile for specific user accounts. Would be useful if a client has their own Google Drive or similar and wants to backup just their account to that Google Drive account. You can see how there could be options on the cPanel side to offer similar configuration improving client facing flexibility. Might want to allow WHM to set scheduling limitations that are available to the end user for when repeat backups can be scheduled to avoid and users thinking 12 Noon is a good time to schedule a backup.

I think this level of flexibility could solve a lot of issues or wants that I've read people having regarding the backup system and supporting new and more than one backup destination or more complex scheduling needs.


^^ This!

I would add more thoughts - but Kdean has totally hit the nail on the head.

Instead of focusing on making a perfect daily/weekly/monthly UI, it makes far more sense to create an interface wherin you craft however many backup type/retention/destination profiles are required for your unique use-case.

This is precisely how you address a battery of varying UX/resource-consumption complaints that currently exist with the WHM backup scheme. Good job team - congratulatory fruit baskets all around.


That, of course, would be tons better - but equally more complex to do. If cPanel is willing - then yes, I would prefer that. However, I could 'settle' for my version too :)


I need do incremental daily backup on the second disk /backup, and external (remote) fullbackup Weekly our Monthly!

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