IP blocking
Needs Feedback
When cphulk blocks an IP address if the customer goes to their website when their IP address has been blocked it should say they can't access because their IP address has been blocked. Not server error which it clearly is not and is very misleading. I had a customer blocked for 3 days but didn't bother contacting me because they thought it was a server error that was going to be fixed. Not realising they had been trying to access email with the incorrect password and their IP address was blocked.
Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm going through some of our historical requests, and I wanted to clarify yours. Can you elaborate on the situation a bit for me? I'm wondering specifically if the user attempting to access the server was being blocked by cPanel/cPHulk or if the failures triggered the IP being blocked by a firewall (APF/CSF/IPtables, etc).
Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm going through some of our historical requests, and I wanted to clarify yours. Can you elaborate on the situation a bit for me? I'm wondering specifically if the user attempting to access the server was being blocked by cPanel/cPHulk or if the failures triggered the IP being blocked by a firewall (APF/CSF/IPtables, etc).
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