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Auto collapse left hand menu in WHM

PCZero shared this idea 8 years ago
Open Discussion

In WHM the menu on the left side of the screen expands as you click the icons on in the right hand frame. However when you click the HOME or WHM links to return to the top level, the left hand menu does not collapse, rather it remains in whatever condition it was in form all of the icons that you have clicked. I suggest that when the HOME or WHM links are clicked that the left hand menu should be fully collapsed since you are going back to the top level of WHM the menu should return to the top level as well.

Replies (3)


It seems only logical that when you go back to the top level of the WHM UI, you would want the left hand menu to be in the default closed/collapsed state. Please consider voting for this request.


I'll have more to say than this once plans get figured out, but we're currently working on plans for considerable work in the WHM UI and we'll definitely keep this behavior change in mind for that!


Thanks Adam. This of course is not a major issue by any means but if y'all are tinkering this might be something to look at. I appreciate the update!

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