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Allow to install multiple PHP 5.x versions

Marcelo Pedra shared this idea 12 years ago

As seen on http://forums.cpanel.net/f145/multiple-php-5-x-versions-case-55764-a-136101.html, I want to insert this request in the new feature request system.It might be a good idea to be able to switch between different PHP versions. Example: clients should be able to choose 5.2.11, 5.3 or 5.4.PHP 5.3 break several old scripts, and some server owners can't afford to setup a server for websites running PHP 5.2.x and another for 5.4.x.

Best Answer

If you're interested in PHP 5.3 support, please check out this feature request:


Replies (133)


Luckily, CloudLinux has already got this working, but it would still be nice for non cloudlinux servers.


Hits the nail on the head. We have a huge server with PHP 5.3.x which runs test and live version websites, but daren't upgrade to PHP 5.4.x as we believe it will break our site. We need to be able to make the test version use a different version of PHP. It would be nice to tie this in to using a different version of Apache if possible too?


I think the following URL should have a post on the last page of that thread which directs users who are subscribed to that thread, to this feature request page.


I would do it myself but it looks like the thread is locked.


This is available with Cloudlinux (PHP Selector).


Apart from PHP Selector which requires Cloudlinux is there any plugin or alternative option currently for cPanel?


Yes, its a good feature. many of scripts like Joomla, OpenCarta, Magento old versions are break on new PHP. so we want all PHP versions to offer to clients. so clients can choose from cpanel > PHP Settings > PHP Versions. per domain and per account if possible


You need a better way than to wait FOREVER for to support PHP. PHP 5.5 has MUCH better performance and native op-code caching. At least offer a workaround.


This is just way to long to sort out, just a joke

why can it not be added like for 5.3 as a add-on like the php4 add-on, come on get it sorted fast as there are now loads of software that needs 5.3, but many old software that needs 5.2


Has there been any progress on this?


I think this feature is needed more than ever. Hosts need to be able to offer an easy upgrade to PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 while keeping PHP running without errors for sites that aren't compatible with future versions of PHP.



It would be nice to allow the WHM / cPanel PHP support multiple facilities and that each domain can choose which version of PHP is indicating this has been used in some configuration file such as. Htaccess, or you can create something that is better and interactive drive of the console.

The need for this is that many sites will not have to invest time and money in upgrading their technologies such as Joomla, but if we can accommodate different technologies Joomla sites if we can have multiple versions of PHP installed.

And each domain individually choose which version of PHP will be compatible with your Joomla platform, Joomla is a clear example but there may be other technologies that depends on the version are more or less COMPATIBLE with PHP.

According to the webmaster I picked this makes the console eg ferrozo, but while they see as very good this function, the console WHM / cPanel is higher than this.

Have any idea if you are working in any update about it, that WHM / CPANEL installation incorporates several PHP to run at the same time, and that is each domain which indicate which use one?

If you are working on something, have a possible date to incorporate some version of WHM / cPanel or what shape will update this function.

Thank you and thank you very much, I hope your prompt response.

Ruben Arno


Hola Seria muy bueno permitir que el WHM / CPANEL soporte multiples instalaciones de PHP; y que cada dominio pueda elegir cual version de PHP va ha usar indicandolo en algun archivo de configuracion como puede ser .htaccess, o ustedes pueden crear algo mejor e interactivo que se maneje de la consola.El porque esta necesidad es que muchos sitios no van ha invertir tiempo y dinero en actualizar sus tecnologias como Joomla por ejemplo; pero si podemos alojar sitios de distintas tecnologias Joomla si podemos tener instalados varias versiones de PHP.Y que cada dominio individualmente elija que version de PHP le sera compatible con su plataforma Joomla; Joomla es un ejemplo claro pero puede haber otras tecnologias que depende de la version son mas o menos COMPATIBLES con PHP.Segun he recogido de los webmaster esto lo hace por ejemplo la consola Ferrozo, pero si bien ven como muy buena esta funcion; la consola de WHM/CPANEL es superior a esta.Tienen idea de si se esta trabajando en alguna actualizacion al respecto, para que WHM/CPANEL incorpore la instalacion de distintos PHP que corran al mismo tiempo, y que sea cada dominio el que indique cual usara ?Si estan trabajando en algo asi, tienen una fecha posible de incorporar a alguna version del WHM/CPANEL o cual sera la forma de actualizar esta funcion.Gracias y muchas gracias, espero su pronta respuesta.Ruben Arno


Actually, cPanel is one of the few hosting panels not allowing different flavours of PHP. Here in Argentina, the three top hosting providers with their own ugly and poorly developed hosting panels are able to choose between PHP 4.4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. You just select the desired version, save, and voila. I don't understand why cPanel being the most important hosting panel system is unable to develop something like that. Some words from the staff explaining the limitations they are facing to enable this would be appreciated.



The reality would be very good that this function is available in cPanel , does not mean considering their platform.

But if reveals a problematic on the websites , and the technologies they use some platforms such as Joomla , PHP , Apache , etc. . , And compatible and integrated versions , everything should fit harmoniously .

But put a major theme in evidence , the sites must be updated either by an issue that the site owner does not want to invest and pay the webmaster / programmer , or because the webmaster / programmer does not update their platforms because it was updated to that there is available at the time .

Keep updated software IS VERY IMPORTANT , not only by improvements in its functions, but to correct bugs and fix security issues.

Both webmaster / programmers and end customers will have problems if they do not update their sites to be obsolete and unsupported by their technologies will only be more vulnerable .


Able to support multiple technologies is very good , but knowing that a server is shared by many webmasters / programmers who can have platforms running different versions of software , but it is still looked dangerous to the integrity , this is the same as putting all versions of the program office or drawing on a computer, for example, think of all the office on the same PC or all Autocad on the same PC , it's great , can work, but also can rupture and cause delays and problems.

Basically I think you need to understand , especially the webmaster and web programmers who COMPUTER and INTERNET is DYNAMIC , and can not stay, can slow upgrade cycles , but in the end MUST UPDATE .

Well, that would be great and a good symptom from CPANEL to put at the disposal of its users this option to choose which PHP will use each domain.

A hug and make it better for the sites.

Ruben Arno


HolaLa realidad que seria muy bueno que esta funcion este disponible en CPANEL, no quita merito a su plataforma. Pero si pone en evidencia una problematica sobre los sitios webs, y las tecnologias que usan algunas plataformas como: Joomla, PHP, Apache, etc.; y sus versiones compatibles e integrables, todo debe calzar armonicamente.Sin embargo pone un tema importante en evidencia, los sitios deben actualizarse, ya sea por un tema que el dueño del sitio no quiera invertir y pagarle al webmaster/programador; o porque el webmaster/programador no actualiza sus plataformas porque no se actualizo a lo que existe disponible en el momento.Mantener los software actualizados ES MUY IMPORTANTE, no solo por las mejoras en sus funciones, sino por corregir bugs y solucionar temas de seguridad.Tanto webmaster/programadores como clientes finales tendran problemas, si no actualizan sus sitios, al quedar obsoletos y no soportados por sus tecnologias solo seran mas vulnerables.NO SE ESTO SE LLAMA MADURACION.Poder soportar multiples tecnologias es muy bueno, mas sabiendo que un servidor es compartido por muchos webmasters/programadores que pueden tener corriendo plataformas en distintas versiones de software, pero no deja de ser un aspecto peligroso a la integridad, esto es lo mismo que poner todas las versiones del programa de oficina o de dibujo en una computadora, por ejemplo pensemos en todos los Office en la misma PC o todos los Autocad en la misma PC, es genial, puede funcionar, pero tambien puede romperse y generar retrasos y problemas.Basicamente creo que hay que entender, principalmente los webmaster y programadores webs que INFORMATICA e INTERNET es: DINAMICA ,y no pueden quedarse, pueden retrasar los ciclos de actualizacion, pero al final deberan ACTUALIZAR.Bueno, seria genial y un buen sintoma de parte de CPANEL que pongan a disposicion de sus usuarios esta opcion de poder elegir que PHP usara cada dominio.Un abrazo y que sea lo mejor para los sitios.Ruben Arno


I understand that some users may be slower to upgrade than others. Though for security implications and overhead in managing multiple configs, for users to not have to update their code should never be recommended over providing ample time for users to update their site with a cutoff period a new version to be installed.

If there are no other ways around, I would recommend setting up a secondary server where the users running the older scripts can remain while another server is kept up-to-date. Possibly allow clients to register for this server as a legacy server.


Multiple PHP Versions

  • Virtualmin since 3.99 can do that
  • PLesk since 11.5 can do that
  • Direct Admin can do that
  • cPanel cannot do that unless you move to CloudLinux paying an additional license

I think cPanel should start really considering this.


+1 I'd live to see something like this in cPanel as well


Me too, a customer just asked for 5.4 and we have 5.3 installed.

I would not like to rebuild apache with 5.4 as it would affect a lot of other customer websites.


Another +1. If it could be done with PHP4/5 concurrently, it should be able to be done for PHP5.3/5.4/5.5. I think enabling this would in a round-about ay solve some security issues with hosts running older versions of PHP, because breaking customer's sites/scripts is too much of a PITA to deal with. Development servers are great, but not everyone has access to them.


+1. should be done - ASAP


+1 for this with CentOS!


I can't run cloudlinux because my VPS is running Virtuozzo and getting another VPS for some sites with older code is not a solution either. And 5.4 support is needed soon but that will break some sites on our server.

I was looking at 1h products, but it would be much better if cPanel would support it.

It is good enough if it allows it for fcgi/suPHP only, which shouldn't be too hard to implement from what I have heard.


Soon i will go to Drupal 8, switch require PHP 5.4.

Right now all my website are on Drupal 6 and 7 witch does not work well on PHP 5.4... I can't have Drupal 6 and 8 on the same server....


I need due drupal stuffs of customers, to have at least php 5.2 and 5.4 Otherwise I have to dismiss the WHM license for one of my servers. And to get ISPconfig.


dear sirs

please provide us , your customers this feature , its very important to us.


Can anyone (ideally WHM staff) recommend a work around?

Would this work?...


Is there any danger of the second PHP installation affecting the first installation?


This thread was opened 1 year ago... Does anyone know if a "multiple PHP versions feature" is being or will be developed within WHM/cPanel?


Ben, there is an alternative available at


Ben, there is an alternative available at www.nixtree .com/ntphp.php


Thanks "Techs GNU" for the very quick response...

http://www.nixtree.com/ntphp.php looks exactly like the kind of thing I need. My only worry is there doesn't seem to be much in the way of reviews for this addon. Has anyone used this? Is it safe? I'm not fortunate enough to have a test server to try this on.

I notice that it's listed on the cPanel website: http://applications.cpanel.net/appcat/nixtree-php-selector (but that on its own isn't reassuring as the cPanel team don't really seem to be "on the ball")


Hello Ben, I am so sorry; I cannot comment on the plugin as I am the part of NixTree :) . So any good words reg the plugin should come from a real user. Anyway on that page, you can find some FB comments from people whom are using it. Other than that there is no reviews I can show you. What I can guarantee is, it won't break your server. Please feel free to contact NixTree support, if you need any clarifications on it. Thank you.


I can confirm for anyone else interested that the instruction here do work: http://servermanagement24x7.com/how-to-configure-dual-php-or-two-versions-of-php-on-a-linux-cpanel-server.html

I used these instructions to compliment the above (starting from point 5): http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.unix.apache2.php

It's not straight forward (for a newbie like me) but you can feel your way through.


I think it's an interesting point, that on my rented dedicated server running Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP, that the only software I pay for, WHM/cPanel, is the only software that causes me problems!!! About a quarter of my monthly bill goes to pay for WHM/cPanel. These guys must be rolling in cash.

Here's a crazy idea... This thread has been asking for this functionality to be developed for a year... NixTree have developed what looks like a very good solution, (they even claim it allows different versions of PHP to run on one domain!!!)... Maybe, the WHM/cPanel team don't need to do any development work... couldn't they pay/buy Nixtree and integrate it as a standard component of WHM/cPanel???


hi, ben, the problem is that cpanel as to make a full new ver of easyapache to fix this problem, i be thinking that will take them some time

but they are taking way to long, even now plesk can have more than 1 ver at a time, they need to fix this asap

with some software now needing php 5.4 and most other software no working with it, this is now a big problem


Please cPanel, do it. It would be nice, as needed for some stuff!


Hi all

I believe that a lot off people already write what the rest thinks, it´s time for WHM to tell us first if they are going to do this, and second when?

Best Regards


I too think that supporting several versions of PHP and being able to let users to decide whether to choose the new one or stick with the old one (if us admins allow it through WHM). It really is a problem when upgrading on a server that hosts a lot of Joomla, WP or any other CMSes that depend heavily on older versions of PHP.

I know that old PHP versions shouldn't be used because of security risks, but making it possible to upgrade up to the new PHP and give users time to check if the website works or not could be really awesome. So that way we can give them time to do the proper upgrade of their CMS before switching to new PHP.

Please add it, i think it's one of the most important feature.

Thank you,

Best regards


+1, really needed


Please add this feature


Did anybody hear or read about an official statement about this feature request? If not, is there any forum-thread that is covering this topic and providing best practice how to enable multiple-php-versions to customers?


This is really really needed


This is indeed very needed! So many existing code does not work properly with for example; just the latest PHP version. Being able to set different PHP versions per domain would be a real dream come true!


This very needed feature was requested one year ago. I can't believe CPanel has not made it available yet...


So far the solution given by "Techs GNU" works beautifully on my WHM 11.42.1 under CentOS 6.5, The default PHP version on my environment is 5.4 but through ntPHPselector i have access to 5.2, 5.3 and even 5.5 if needed using a clean interface.

The installing procedure was very straightforward and I even managed to enable components like ZendGuard for every PHP version. I feel very happy and satisfied with this alternative.

I hope someday this component will also be available natively on WHM as it simplified the process for testing and compatibility for my customers legacy websites.


+1, would make life much easier :)


Definitely would make it easier, as so many sites use the older php. Having dual versions of php running would make it so much easier updating these older sites. Bring it on.



Having the options to choose from php versions would be a great benifit.


Definetly its a great a feature


+1 for this great feature, I can't believe that some one voted against it.


I noticed that this feature request status was just changed to "In progress". Does this mean cpanel developer is working on this?


garconcn wrote:

I noticed that this feature request status was just changed to "In progress". Does this mean cpanel developer is working on this?
Hi garconcn,

We are currently exploring ideas of how to implement multiple PHP support. This isn't a guarantee that multi-PHP functionality will be delivered, but we are researching and brainstorming.


Over the past few months, two development teams have been working very hard to build the next version of EasyApache. Our goal is to provide support for multiple versions of PHP and to provide Apache, PHP, and their extensions and modules via RPMs and yum.

A couple of weeks ago, we decided that EasyApache 4 and MultiPHP were not in a stable enough state for an experimental release. While we were very close to our goal, we realized that rushing to release new features is not as important as ensuring that we're providing you with a quality product.

We expect to have beta builds for EasyApache 4 out in the coming months. Stay tuned to the Edge-Users list for more information!


Hi everyone,

Here are 2 rudimentary prototype pages that we came up with. Please keep in mind, these are works in progress and do not reflect what a final multi-PHP implementation could look or function like. We would like feedback on these initial drafts. Please let us know what you think of the functionality on these pages. Does it accomplish what you want? If not, what other features would you like to see?

Image - cPanel PHP Config: This functionality is proposing what a cPanel user could see when they are setting a PHP version per domain (addon domain, subdomain included).

Image - WHM PHP Config: This functionality is proposing what a WHM administrator could see when they are determining what PHP versions should be available to their users. In this image we are proposing that a WHM administrator can set a system default PHP version as well as set a PHP version per user account.


This looks perfect of course! This is exactly how I want to see it! Good job!

Maybe add a little more detail? Like deprecated PHP version?

Looking forward to test it :)


The two proposed screens are a good start. There needs to be unity between cPanel and WHM. From your description it wasn't clear if you were stating that the two were exclusive and could not work together. It would be awesome if you could have a WHM setting to define the system default and make changes on a per-domain basis outside of cPanel in case the cPanel account is difficult to get to, or if you want to modify multiple domains at a time, across multiple cPanel accounts.

The cPanel account functionality looks great: it shows the system default, user default, and what versions are selected.


  • Show a list of what versions are available. This could include beta builds.
  • In that list, show what versions are considered deprecated.
  • If deciding to change versions (upgrade or downgrade), warn the user (in cPanel and WHM) that it could break their website and why.


openaccess wrote:

The two proposed screens are a good start. There needs to be unity between cPanel and WHM. From your description it wasn't clear if you were stating that the two were exclusive and could not work together. It would be awesome if you could have a WHM setting to define the system default and make changes on a per-domain basis outside of cPanel in case the cPanel account is difficult to get to, or if you want to modify multiple domains at a time, across multiple cPanel accounts.

The cPanel account functionality looks great: it shows the system default, user default, and what versions are selected.


  • Show a list of what versions are available. This could include beta builds.
  • In that list, show what versions are considered deprecated.
  • If deciding to change versions (upgrade or downgrade), warn the user (in cPanel and WHM) that it could break their website and why.

Hi openaccess,

Thank you very much for that helpful feedback. It's exactly the kind of information we are hoping to gather.

The two pages are tied together. A WHM administrator would set the available PHP versions per user. At that point a cPanel user would then have the ability to set a PHP version for each of their domains.

We do plan to label the PHP versions as deprecated, experimental or end of life.

Again, these are very rough prototypes. We will be expanding the functionality, including listing all available versions in a more friendly manner, and will provide new screenshots for additional feedback when they are available.


Hello again everyone,

We have a new round of prototypes you show. We have added some additional proposed functionality. This includes pagination, column sorting, and edit links in the tables. Please let us know your thoughts. We very much appreciate the feedback.


cPScottT wrote:

Hello again everyone,

We have a new round of prototypes you show. We have added some additional proposed functionality. This includes pagination, column sorting, and edit links in the tables. Please let us know your thoughts. We very much appreciate the feedback.

First of all we really appreciate your hard work on this,

Looking good and easy to use, Can i ask a nearly date will be release !Thank once again :)


Looks really good :)


Mustapha_Os wrote:

First of all we really appreciate your hard work on this,

Looking good and easy to use, Can i ask a nearly date will be release !Thank once again :)

Hello Mustapha_Os,

We're happy that you're enjoying the prototypes!

At this point I can't provide a firm release date for multi-PHP functionality. We are still deciding on the scope of the project. Once we finalize the features we plan to deliver in the first release I will be able to provide an approximate timeframe.


That last update looks very good. The ability to list and see the accounts and what php is in use is great. This is highly appreciated.


It would be interesting to know which PHP extensions and settings an alternative PHP version would use.

Will the users be able to select the PHP extensions?

Will they be able to adjust the PHP settings through cPanel?

Would custom php.ini files work?


cannot wait for this feature to be released!


It is very necessary


+1 It is very necessary


For multiple PHP versions ..the best way to go would be to use the FPM SAPI . Apache support for FPM SAPI is problematic. Also we could employ something like https://github.com/phpbrew/phpbrew which helps in installing and using any ! version of php easily . Essentially PHP support has to be decoupled from EasyApache and made on its own as I think apache and PHP are 2 different things that can be coupled in a number of differnt ways . I have used phpbrew with nginx in the cpanel module http://ndeploy.in I created and it works beautifully . Ofcourse FPM sapi (FASTCGI) is the only one supported in nginX ; but decoupling apache compile and php compile is the best way forward.


Hi Guys,

Would be amazed if WHM has multi-versions of PHP supports as native feature, however, currently, I was able to make it work using the steps found on http://rcadhikari.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/options-to-run-multi-versions-php.html

Hope that helps!


Good morning!

I wanted to let everyone know that this project is still in active development. We hope to be releasing some news and information regarding the new system within the coming weeks. I'll update this post with that information once we get it finalized.

Thanks to everyone for your great feedback!


This is a very needed feature. But we also need to be able to select php-fpm. Can that be added to the scope of this new feature?

I'm looking for an integrated cpanel, nginx and php-fpm solution, so I want to see nginx managed by cPanel at some point too but that's out of scope of this request.



We've posted an update in our forums and blogs about EasyApache 4. We'd love everyones feedback if you get time!




I use TYPO3 Flow on a shared host, and it's minimum PHP version just jumped to 5.5, however my shared host only upgrades PHP when cPanel upgrades it. (they are on 11.46) It looks like cPanel 11.48 did not include 5.5 right? Was this included in 11.48 or do we have to wait for 11.50?


I against this feature into cPanel because it is available with CloudLinux. Let's be realistic, this days, if you're running CloudLinux with jailed binaries your performance and security are practically none.

Moderator note: please keep commentary on point. Comments that add nothing productive to the conversation will be edited or removed.


Jacob Floyd wrote:

I use TYPO3 Flow on a shared host, and it's minimum PHP version just jumped to 5.5, however my shared host only upgrades PHP when cPanel upgrades it. (they are on 11.46) It looks like cPanel 11.48 did not include 5.5 right? Was this included in 11.48 or do we have to wait for 11.50?


PHP 5.5 has been in EasyApache 3 for quite a while now. However your host would need to upgrade PHP.


Kent Brockman wrote:

Actually, cPanel is one of the few hosting panels not allowing different flavours of PHP. Here in Argentina, the three top hosting providers with their own ugly and poorly developed hosting panels are able to choose between PHP 4.4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. You just select the desired version, save, and voila. I don't understand why cPanel being the most important hosting panel system is unable to develop something like that. Some words from the staff explaining the limitations they are facing to enable this would be appreciated.


This could also be solved when implementing Docker:



Kent Brockman wrote:


cPanel is one of the few hosting panels not allowing different flavours

of PHP. Here in Argentina, the three top hosting providers with their

own ugly and poorly developed hosting panels are able to choose between

PHP 4.4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. You just select the desired version,

save, and voila. I don't understand why cPanel being the most important

hosting panel system is unable to develop something like that. Some

words from the staff explaining the limitations they are facing to

enable this would be appreciated.

  1. Because

    older php versions are deprecated and not maintained anymore. Having

    that on a production server is a major security risk... But who worries

    today about security and system administration, everybody see just

    profit and think that is something not important...


Because older php versions are deprecated and not maintained anymore. Having that on a production server is a major security risk... But who worries today about security and system administration, everybody see just profit and think that is something not important...


I hope one of the optional PHP versions is PHP 5.2 with Zend Multibyte


I lost high paying clients due to not being able to support the latest version of php! I would love to have this.


Use ntPHP instead, we use it on all our servers. It's better as it's easy to install AND uninstall if you don't like it. It allows you to set PHP versions per directory instead of per user like CL does. CL is limited as it's per user. I have customer that run multiple domains each with a different version of PHP to support older sites. Been using it for year.

I highly recommend it:



Refere to this-> I have used the steps found on http://rcadhikari.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/options-to-run-multi-versions-php.html

But slight problem is, if you upgrade the server or WHM, then you may require to repoint the folder with the correct PHP version again.

But it works!


Let me know if you would find the way out for that as well!


@chrisgrigg, it is coming pretty soon as far as I know (well at least this calender year). If you want immediate support CloudLinux supports it very easily with a nice management interface, which can easily be patched in.


@tcalp, I was looking over cloudlinux last night as a solution. Just not sure if I'm ready to change the servers over to it yet.


I suppose cpanel developers already know this is a much anticipated feature!

Still, I am adding my voice here: we are waiting!


@chrisgrigg, Use ntPHP instead, we use it on all our servers. It's better as it's easy to install AND uninstall if you don't like it. It allows you to set PHP versions per directory instead of per user like CL does. CL is limited as it's per user. I have customer that run multiple domains each with a different version of PHP to support older sites. Been using it for year.

I highly recommend it:



really interesting tool.


Been using it for years, never had a problem with it at all. And the developers are pretty awesome also if you need something.


does it have a cPanel interface for the cPanel users? or just command-line ?


Yup :) gives them the option of selecting which directory and which version of PHP themselves in cPanel. No need for admin once installed :)


i mean do they need to type ssh command for that or a graphical user interface in cpanel appears to select directory and php-versions/extensions like cloudlinux?


GUI in cPanel, no SSH.


You can upgrade your Centos to cloudlinux. they also provide a trial. i have used cloudlinux it is only good if you want to use it forever, as there are some things which are irreversible when you want to downgrade from cloudlinux to CentOS again, they creates issues.

there is a similar thing called "Better linux" ,though i have not used it yet.

you can find more details here for:

Better linux : http://www.betterlinux.com

Cloudlinux : http://www.cloudlinux.com


For all of you who are looking at ntPHP, please note that it is ONLY for suphp. As I am using fastcgi, I have reduced the ntPHP installation script to only download and compile the needed php versions (there is about half of the original script left - just downloading and compiling, nothing else). Then in /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/php5 you can specify a different php5 executable path based on some parameters (for example, I check if a specific file is present in user's homedirectory). Note, that this hack is per-user only, and there is no way to make this per-directory... But at least, it works fine. You can check my installation script here: http://pastebin.com/u9shqK8e (please note, I do not provide support for this)


Different versions of PHP is one the reasons that people go with CloudLinux, would be awesome to have this features.

cPanel does virtualizing user home and many other features, why not PHP as well ?


Different versions of PHP is one the reasons that people go with CloudLinux, would be awesome to have this features.

cPanel does virtualizing user home and many other features, why not PHP as well ?


Any news about this development? It's been 9 months since the announcement from @cpScottT


11.50 is currently in release branch and will soon make it to stable branch. Once this is done, they will start announcing 11.52 which should enable the first version of Easy Apache 4 with multiple PHP versions. I would only use it in production for new servers tough at least until 11.54 comes out.


Good morning! EasyApache 4 is currently scheduled for release in 11.52. If you're on the EDGE list, once we start sending 11.52 development builds to EDGE you'll be notified.

I hope this helps!


Great! Can't wait guys!



Great! Can't wait guys!




EasyApache 4 and MultiPHP are now in our EDGE tier. Feel free to try it out and give us feedback!


When i click "New Profile" nothing happens.


When i click "New Profile" nothing happens.



The EA4 interface is still in active development, and isn't fully working at this point. You can do most of the EasyApache interactions via the command line with Yum.



How does it look like? is there any screenshot about setting an specific php version for specific user?



There's 2 new interfaces in WHM for managing PHP versions. You'll see them in the screenshot below.


Looks nice. I guess it will allow choosing from only the last version of every branch available at that moment in EA, right? Like, 5.3.29, 5.4.43 and 5.5.27 to be set for any given domain. Is this correct?


Hi Kent,

You got it, that's correct.


Cool :-)

So you create a php profile and then assign it to an accout, is it?



You don't need to create anything with profiles. When you migrate to EA4, you'll automatically have installed PHP 5.4 - 5.6. You can then select these versions for each domain on your server.

Note, this is NOT production ready, so please do not migrate any production servers yet :)


Had to run the following command:

/scripts/migrate_ea3_to_ea4 --run


Looks very nice. Is there any interface allowing the end users to select PHP version? Any screenshots of this? Also it would be nice if they could select the PHP version upon creating a new addon domain.




There is also a MultiPHP Manager inside cPanel itself. End users can select PHP versions based on domains / VHOSTS as well! It looks pretty much the same as the WHM MultiPHP manager as well.


How does this work when the primary domain has an implied document root? Did we finally fix this, as it is the most annoying issue for cPanel. No other web panel does the primary domain behavior, it is a legacy issue that really needs to change for newer installations.



All domains, including addon domains are treated equally in other panels with the name subdomain.domain.com or domain.com being the virtual host document root for that specific domain namespace with public_html the document root of the user. With multiple PHP versions how does this prevent conflict with subdomains under the domain root when configuring PHP versions.


Inheritance is indeed an issue currently. Moving the primary domain location to a non-hierarchical directory is preferred for us to provide a proper 'System Default' model. Doing this is a big change, as there are a lot of assumptions made by not only us, but by 3rd party integrators and applications developers. There's been a lot of talk about it, but nothing has been committed to at this time. Personally, I'd like to see this changed in the next couple of releases.

We've built documentation to describe inheritance and what it means with htaccess files as well, which will be published once 11.52 is in CURRENT.


how can i build in ea4? my website error 500 after use /scripts/migrate_ea3_to_ea4 --run

can you give me a solution?



What errors are you getting on your website? I'd recommend sending in some info to EDGE-users about the problem and we can assist there. This features site isn't used for troubleshooting.



I would like to bring into the "discussion" a particular

setup to see how it fits with the new multi-PHP feature. For security

reasons, on our shared hosting servers, we disable the local php.ini

files from /opt/suphp/etc/suphp.conf (we were fed up with disabling

dangerous PHP functions only to have most attackers that penetrated our

customer's accounts uploading their own php.ini with all functions


I am not sure how this multi-PHP feature is working,

but will it be a conflict with this type of setup? With the local

php.ini files disabled?




You'd still be able to make these changes with EasyApache 4 and SuPHP. It would be a manual edit as it is now, but this should work fine.


Will it be possible to select older php versions, namely 5.2, either through the custom module or some manual installation procedure?


We plan to offer PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 soon. As it's only a technical preview at this time and not ready for production, we haven't gotten those versions created yet.


At least from my view without 5.3 it would be useless.

"My view" means different drupal versions (6,7,8).



I can understand Drupal 6, as it really only works with PHP 5.3. However Drupal 7 supports PHP 5.4 and Drupal 8 supports PHP 5.5, so why is PHP 5.3 a requirement there?


Probably for the same reason that I have. If one has a server with multiple clients, you need to maintain PHP 5.3 as the installed version because of the old sites that require it and don't work on higher versions. That's kind of the point of this new Multi-PHP feature, which will allow us to keep 5.3 for those old sites, and update the modern sites to the latest versions. So, I definitely need 5.3 as the minimum as well. Basically have the equivalent versions that EA3 has currently.



Oh you're absolutely right kdean, and I fully understand the business need for it. However, Aris gave specific version examples of a script that doesn't actually require PHP 5.3, so I was wondering why that requirement was there. We do plan to get PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.2 out soon, but as they are EOL, these weren't a priority for us to get released for this Tech Preview. Thanks sir!


As for me Jacob, the reason is some older Drupal 6 sites that do not have the budget to be updated to newer Drupal versions. And for this reason I don't see the need for php 5.3 eclipsed any time soon.


cPanelJacob, perhaps I can answer the requirement? Upgrading user templates, software versions or total migration from a defunct piece of software requiring PHP 5.3 is still a cost factor for small customers of ours. That's why I've been looking at CloudLinux. Until the economy picks up and people can afford to pay those migration costs.....


cPanelJacob, perhaps I can answer the requirement? Upgrading user templates, software versions or total migration from a defunct piece of software requiring PHP 5.3 is still a cost factor for small customers of ours. That's why I've been looking at CloudLinux. Until the economy picks up and people can afford to pay those migration costs.....


Hi Denver, you're right, there's still a lot of users using older applications that either can't be upgraded due to technical issues, or financial issues as well. I expect we'll have PHP 5.2 & PHP 5.3 out within a month or so. We need to do final maintenance / cleanups of EA4 before it's release with 11.52, and then I think we'll have time to get those versions spun up.


If understand correctly that means that the initial EA4 / 11.52 version will not have PHP 5.3 option.

Well that's not something to celebrate but, hey, it shouldn't be far down the road? 1-2 more months?



RPMs are released outside of cPanel & WHM. Once we get those RPMs spun up and published to the yum repositories they'll be available. I'm sure we'll have PHP 5.3 out by the time 11.52 goes to CURRENT, but I don't know that for an absolute fact at this time.

Please note, that this is the initial iteration of EasyApache 4 and MultiPHP. We might be changing things during 11.52, and thus we do not recommend you run this on your production servers until the 11.52 release gets to RELEASE or STABLE or perhaps even 11.54 to be safe. That being said, I've been running EA4 on my personal cPanel server for a few months now without problems, but I do not hold any uptime critical sites.

I hope this helps!


Jacob: when you say "have PHP 5.3 out" you are saying "having it out of stock"? or "having it rolled out and available to be compiled"?

I second all of the prior comments saying 5.3 is still needed. I can count almost 150 websites in our servers that still need 5.3 and it would be solved with a multiPHP allowing for 5.3 and 5.4 in the same box.


Kent, we don't compile anything anymore with EasyApache 4. We technically compile them during the build of the RPM. I meant more of having it available to users to be installed when I said 'having PHP 5.3 out'. I hear all of you guys with the PHP 5.3 stuff. However it's EOL, and we had to prioritize the supported PHP versions above the older EOL versions. Now that those are complete, and that we're almost done with this release cycle, I think the team will have a bit more time to get the PHP5.2|5.3 packages built.


WOW. this thread has blown up with needs for PHP 5.x. We have had multiple PHP versions running for over 2 years now without EA4. We just Googled, found the PHP source, uploaded, compiled, made a few config file tweaks, edit the users .htaccess files to set the PHP version and bam, your in business. I think Cpanel gets that there is a need for previous PHP versions and can get the code from the PHP archives like we did and will make it available. I think it might be time to give this a rest?


We still have lots of clients use PHP 5.2, please don't forget 5.2.


I think all small hosting companies (even biggies) need PHP5.3 so, they probably have this on their checklist already. :)


In case that some of your applications require PHP 4 and others need PHP 5, here is an easy solution for you:

Let's say that your account is set to use PHP 4 and one of your sites runs only on PHP 5.

To set the PHP 5 environment for a specific domain, go to the File Manager, open the domain folder and create a file called .htaccess. Then choose to edit the newly created .htaccess file and type down the following line: SetEnv PHP_VERSION 5

This way, the entire hosting account will be using PHP 4 and only this particular domain - PHP 5.


I've been following the discussion so far and am looking forward to replace our custom-built php installations with the EA4 solution.

One thing i'm wondering is if you're planning to implement any security-backports for 5.2 and 5.3 since they are officially EOL?

At the moment we're using https://code.google.com/p/php52-backports/ for 5.2 and i already saw some individual backports for 5.3.


Hi Marcel,

There are no plans at this time for cPanel do do any type of custom PHP patching and backporting. We'll only be taking what's provided upstream by PHP (and possibly CentOS) and repackaging it and providing it to customers.


Would this collide with Cloudlinux PHP selector on servers that will have it active when the CP release comes?


At this time EA4 is not compatible with CloudLinux. Igor is working on integration at this time. Most likely the CL PHP selector will still be used for ClouxLinux, and the cPanel PHP selector for cPanel.


Cool thanks, am just worried an EA4 auto update like this could wonk out our CL PHP schema. Curious to see how it all pans out....the CL selector is a very helpful tool for devel but even more useful for including custom 3rd party modules tenants can use, ie Newrelic agents or something that they would not normally have access to on a shared serv.

One more thought if you have time, hypothetically when they work together, would there be different locations for the EA php versions/modules, or would they be in the same spot (/opt/alt/phpXX/) as the CL ones?


EasyApache 4 has been released to the CURRENT tier, which includes the ability for Multiple PHP versions.


Great news! This is one of the most important new features in cPanel since... ever!


Run forced cpanel update to get it?


And the doc page?


I upgraded today to Current and this mesage appears when try to enter EA4:

EasyApache4 is not available when EasyApache3 is in effect.

What should I do before?


Follow this link:


Follow this link:


So does this mean tat from tommorrow I can choose or give my clients option to choose different php versions?



This means that if you choose to upgrade to EasyApache 4, you can provide your customers that ability, yes. As of now, EA4 is an opt-in system, so you're not migrated to it until you do the migration.

I hope this helps!


Hey Jacob, what's the doc link to learn all the CLI and environment options?


CENTOS 6.7 x86_64 standard – xxx WHM 11.52.0 (build 5) Still don't see an option to change PHP per client.


To install EA4 you need to run this cmd to convert.

/scripts/migrate_ea3_to_ea4 --run

However, EA4 isn't compatible with Cloudlinux yet.


Is there a ETA for when its compatible with Cloudlinux 7 ??


CloudLinux will be able to assist with this question. I know Igor and Alexey are working on it, but I'm not sure when it will be compatible.


For servers with CloudLinux already installed, can it be removed and replaced with this feature?



CloudLinux offers more than just multiple PHP versions, so be aware that switching will leave you without the other features (CageFS, etc). There's nothing stopping you from uninstalling CloudLinux and using EA4 with MultiPHP. I hope this helps!


Does 11.52 EA4 still not have php 5.3 yet?

Also, it should be made very clear in the documentation / EA3 to 4 conversion process which versions of PHP are currently supported so people can opt-out of the conversion if it's going to immediately break things due to unavailable PHP versions. It would be different if EA4 supported the same versions as EA3 to start, but prior comments here stated that 5.3 would be coming later.


Yep, it's gotta have a minimum of 5.3. We only have 2 5.2 clients now and I wouldn't have reservations about pushing them to upgrade their sites or...


https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/EA4/EasyApache+4+-+Create+a+profile add php53 to the JSON file. The documentation needs to have a list of all EA packages to build this.


Yep, it's gotta have a minimum of 5.3. We only have 2 5.2 clients now and I wouldn't have reservations about pushing them to upgrade their sites or...


PHP 5.3 is not available quite yet. During the building of PHP versions, those versions that were *not* EOL were given priority. We hope to have PHP 5.3 released here sometime soon.


Just wondering... what happens if I migrate from EA3 to EA4 in a server previously compiled using PHP 5.3 with EA3? The dual PHP won't be able to be used until I recompile Apache with EA4, right?


PHP 5.3 would no longer be used. /usr/local/apache and /usr/bin/php are moved out of the way and no longer used with EA4. The migration process places in RPM packages that hold all of the required binaries.


Also, after converting to EA4, I noticed Easy Apache won't migrate the previously configured PHP profiles... It is also not allowing to select which Apache/PHP modules I want to include/exclude. Is this due to still be In Progress, am I correct?


PHP 5.3 is the reason why I need multiple PHP :-/


The only reason for which WE need multi-PHP are the legacy customers that can't be migrated to a current PHP version. So I don't understand what reasoning process led to the conclusion that EoL versions should be left for later. For me, it would have been logical to offer one very current version (like 5.5) and multiple EoL versions like 5.3 and probably 5.2 right from the start. The way it is now it is not really helpful for shared hosts. Or at least this is my situation.


Agreed, 5.3 is definitely needed. Big changes where made in php from 5.3 to 5.4 and a lot of clients with perfectly running websites do not want to pay for the changes to their websites to upgrade the to php 5.4 or higher.






What about security, will cPanel, like Cloudlinux now does, patch old versions of PHP against known vulnerabilities ?


is Cpanel going to add support for PHP 5.3 on multi PHP selection? Plesk has this ability!


Another caveat I found in EA4 is that even after you "provisioned" the new environment, you don't have any visual aid or indicator of what profile is currently in use. That should be fixed.

Also, a form with checkboxes to allow choosing what components to include or not, like we used to in EA3, is missing. I hope it will be available once the standard built-in profiles are proved to be stable enough, right?


The visual indication of currently used profile will come, I'll add it to backlog for 11.54 right now.

As for selection of individual packages, we were really hoping that that feature would make it into 11.52, however we were not ready yet. That feature is coming in 11.54 and I plan on discussing more in that regard in the coming weeks as early iterations on the feature become available.


Glad to know that, Matt.

Another thing I found not working is in fact the MultiPHP Manager, being currently unable to save PHP specific version to use with one domain. Said:

Error:The system failed to open the file “/usr/local/apache/conf/ea-php55.htaccess” for reading because of an error: No such file or directory


That's interesting - it should not be using that path on EA4 systems at all. That is generally an indication of an incompletely migration or packages not being properly installed.

I would greatly appreciate a trouble ticket on this issue so that we can take a closer look.


ok, ticket opened: 7170743


I've got the same issue, what's the resolution was please?

I get /usr/local/apache/conf/ea-php55.htaccess error : No such file or Directory


@Wally: it's already fixed if you upgrade to the last CURRENT branch of cPanel.


Strange I'm already on that version but still giving me the same error!

More help is much appreciated mate. Thanks in advance


Strange I'm already on that version but still giving me the same error!

More help is much appreciated mate. Thanks in advance


chmod 0741 /etc/cpanel

Sorry this wasn't fixed in, we will be getting a fix out that enforces the correct permissions on this directory shortly.


I've done that. thank you. now the cpanel information showing php v5.6 and doesn't want to change to php5.4 or php5.5. no matter what I do in the WHM it says it's been changed but when checking the cPanel info it still on php5.6!!!

any advice? Thanks


File a ticket, put "attention matt dees or jacob perkins" at the top of it so that we can investigate.

We'd love to see what's going on with your server, since all of this is still in a technical preview status having someone on the development team look at your server helps us prevent this issue from happening to other customers.


I have reverted back to ea3 because I can't have it like this as my scripts not ready yet to work under php5.6 im not sure if I still should create a ticket so you have a look and if this will help you?


I have reverted back to ea3 because I can't have it like this as my scripts not ready yet to work under php5.6 im not sure if I still should create a ticket so you have a look and if this will help you?


ticket already submitted ID: 7199809


ok I have return back to ea4 to allow you doing some investigation :)


I'm further testing this :)

MultiPHP INI Editor llooks good in Basic Mode, and works ok.But although is great to be able to edit everything in Editor Mode, the lack of a form like in the old Advanced Mode is really something I gonna miss after years of working with it :)



for working with PHP selector i found following link, how could we do same in our Cpanel servers to support PHP 5.2 and 5.3 and 5.4?:




for working with PHP selector i found following link, how could we do same in our Cpanel servers to support PHP 5.2 and 5.3 and 5.4?:



I think that only works with Cloudlinux


Confirmed, you are seeing the CloudLinux client selector plugin in that tutorial. Although, this is what cPanel is doing with this feature request, and will not conflict, correct?


Hi, I see the new EA has moved to RELEASE and Drupal 8 RC has been released too which requires php 5.5 but I can not throw away old drupal 6 sites.

Any news of the EA supporting php 5.3?

If it is not going to be available within 1-2 months I think we should go with another solution for multi php (cloudlinux is not an option for me).

Could you please give us an estimate on when 5.3 will be available?


We run an ancient drupal 6 with php 5.4 with no issues [its only an intranet KB]. It has quite a few plugins installed too. Are you sure you have the env set up correctly? Remember, upgrading to 5.4 means any php.ini in the D6 folder may need adjusted for correct paths and such.


I'll second the above comment. We'd appreciate an ETA for PHP 5.3. Thanks!


PHP 5.3 is dead (EOL) -- any work (limited resoruces) should be to get PHP 5.4/5/6 going to production standard ASAP.

I.e. do not delay EA4 due to dead versions of PHP.


Please read the previous comments about PHP 5.3 for the very valid reasons for needing it. Most people who need EA4's ability to install multiple PHP versions need it because they're currently stuck by some accounts needing 5.3. Just having the latest versions doesn't help at all. This is the reason multiple php installs were requested in the first place.


One of the main reasons for using multiple PHP versions is exactly that: to be able to use needed php versions even if they are old. It's VERY important for most of us to keep using old php versions along with old php applicaitons. If all apps wete updated and php 5.6 compatible, this multi-php would not be needed.

We need php 5.3 ASAP




Understood, but its a bit like complaining M$ don't support WinXP.

Maybe do 5.3 after EA4 is production


Nice point: there are million of users needing XP support. If you release a "multi-windows" application that only works with actual windows versions, wouldn't it be useless? what's the point?

Supporting php 5.3 is the solution to a big problem. Supporting current versions is just a nice feature.


Also agree, and they don't have support any more :D (Unless they pay big $$)

The point is "He's dead Jim" (Star Trek reference).

I worked for a company that had a lock-in for one app to WinXP/IE6 due to not wanting to pay for the latest version -- that ended up on a VM (Citrix) on a VPN and had major security issues. The cost of support ended up bigger than the app upgrade cost. Meh!


And it gets worse....

PHP 7 is due in November.

Code checker tool https://github.com/sstalle/php7cc << This may help the upgrade process

Discussion https://ultimatumtheme.com/php-7-evolution-or-revolution/



1. From what I understand EA4 is already in production (it is available in the RELEASE version).

2. php 5.3 support is not a theoretical or ethical matter. There are some 125,000 drupal 6 sites out there ( https://www.drupal.org/project/usage/drupal ) and most probably there are similar issues with other software. This is a reality now we can not escape. And it will obviously continue to be so for at least the next 2-3 years.


Sorry need 5.3 for my clients sites which still run it. Will be moving to a new server soon and will be looking for the system that can run 5.3 as well as the new versions of php.


When you try to install EA4 it says it's a technology review version


It's important to remember that this is mostly not about us, but about our customers sites (shared hosting customers). And if they don't update on their own, they almost never update because we tell them to (a few do, most don't). Their attitude is simple: "I paid for this site and it works so I don't need to pay for un update". If we update PHP and this brakes their sites, they blame us.


Good point, and also why WinXP is still so active.


You could argue that if a customer doesn't update his site then he is a security issue for your other customers. What's the reason for not using CloudLinux, is it because of the cost ? We would never go back to offering shared hosting without CageFS and Cloudlinux, in our point of view it's an unnecessary security issue.


In our past experience (we used CL until ~12 - 18 months) a server with CL will always be somewhat slower than a server without CL. Plus the fact that you can't seem to be able to get rid of it completely if you want to, has stopped us from using CL in the past 18 months. But surely the price was NOT a factor!



We have not noticed any slowness caused by CloudLinux. We currently use version 5 and 6 without any issues.

Maybe there was a compatibility issue with your hardware.


@AndyB - Hmm maybe something set up wrong in the env? In my experience as well, CL itself has no noticeable difference in server snappiness. If working properly it will make your CentOS scream due to all the methods of throttling/calming down the noisy clients. Ive never seen CL use load or cause lag though, the processes are micro even when regenerating cages and stuff.

I agree though it might be quite tedious to get uninstalled due to alllll the stuff it does. CL is an "app layer" but they more or less made a new bootstrap CentOS when its all said an done after an install or upon new installs from their repos.


Im still confused about this: does the cPanel multi-php selector conflict with Cloudlinux multi-php selector? Do they piggyback same PHP install locations in /opt/alt/php*? Im holding off upgrading to cPanel 52 or using EA4 yet because we have a quite nicely functioning selector via Cloudlinux that mustn't be trashed up. Anyone tried it yet? Or, is there news from the CL camp on this?


Please include PHP5.3


I also require Php 5.3. Updating computer/ os system in January and would like php 5.3 added. Is there a timeline on when this will be done.



PHP 5.3 went EOL over a year ago. cPanel has no plans to offer PHP 5.3 at this time. If you're interested in using older PHP versions, but having them decently secure, check out CloudLinux Hardened PHP:



PHP 5.3 is still used and needed. There are still thousands of applications that need 5.3 and there's just no way to update them all, it's just impossible.

In the other hand, is IS possible for cpanel to allow their customers install php 5.3.

There's no option "C", all php 5.3 apps in the world cannot be upgraded, but php 5.3 can still be compiled.

Please, listen to your customers.


We are all well aware that 5.3 is EOL but we still need it (because our customers need it). If you can't offer EOL versions for PHP you shouldn't have bothered with multi-PHP in the first place because frankly it's useless. We needed multi-PHP to offer EOL versions to the customers that can't use anything else and current versions for the rest. In my opinion this was by far the main selling point for multi-PHP.


That's it: multiple php is needed for us to use EOL versions.

If no old versions can be used, what's the point?


I TOTALLY agree with AndyB!


If you're interested in PHP 5.3 support, please check out this feature request:


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