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Ability to disable 'unlimited' email quotas

LDHosting shared this idea 12 years ago

I would like to request that the ability to disable the 'unlimited' email quota option be re-added. I think that having the option of forcing users to set a mailbox quota limit would be beneficial as this would help to prevent users from storing Gigabytes of emails under their account which often causes I/O issues during IMAP syncs / backups etc.

An option to set a "Maximum user-defined mailbox quota" limit would also compliment this and give admins the option of ensuring that

a) A mailbox quota limit is set

b) The mailbox quota limit cannot be set above X Megabytes.


Best Answer

Hey folks! This feature was added to version 72 and backported to 70 as part of the work we did on version 70. You should be able to find it in your interface now!


Replies (49)


This has been a prolonged and very significant problem for our use of the cPanel system. Currently we are having to migrate accounts from Redhat servers (due to Redhat's coming licensing fee increase), to CloudLinux servers.What I've noticed is, account after account we are finding scenarios like this --> An account has a few hundred MBs of server space taken up by their web space and database, but well over 80GB of email usage! This radical email usage comes from people using IMAP, and forgetting about sent and trashed email and other IMAP directories on the server. One 80GB+ account we found has masses of junk email in 12 different UNLIMITED QUOTA email accounts, that is, junk and sent email copies dating a to 2007.

I know we can start cloning templates, but for various technical reasons this is out of the realm of possibilities for us. All we need is a simple feature in WHM to specify a maximum limit that any single email account can have, or at least an option to remove the UNLIMITED option, i.e. to thereby force people to at least think about how much quota they will require for their email accounts, that is, instead of just clicking UNLIMITED and forgetting about it.

Makes sense. Right? Thanks very much.


The best way to address this is to store/set the email quotas at the package level...

IE: Basic Package has 100MB email quota, Advanced Package has 250MB of email quota and Super Dooper package has 5G of email quota etc...


It is a MUST! Highly appreciated for changing an account to meet some needs...

What do you think cPanel? When can we get it?

Please, listen to this and related topics.


I would like to see this in one of two ways. Any of the two are very much wanted.

1 - The easy way, Tweak Setting to remove the "unlimited" radio box in the email quota setting

2 - As stated above, the ability to set a "max quota" pr package and/or remove the unlimited choice"


Not only to remove the unlimited but ALSO set the quota per package.

Then it would be okay.

Only removing the limitless email quota is not a solution, but root users should have the ability to edit the quotas per package, or even per account.

Thanks cPanel, and please take this feature serioulsly.


One should be able to set max email size for email accounts on the server.


On it.


On it = planned ? :)


Hope so. If the WHM/cpanel system has an Achilles Heal, and thus a significant reason to go with some other control panel.... then this is it.


heh, sorry, I guess "on it" is a bit vague. I'm queuing it up for the preliminary research and prototyping phases. We'll also be digging out the previous implementation in order to understand what it got wrong, why it had to be pulled, and what the new implementation should do to get it right.


This is an absolute must and surely not hard to incorporate into the next release?


with competitive pricing out there.. hosting provider suc has ipage has come out with unlimited plans that give unlimited hosting space & email accounts but cleverly limit the max space per email account created.

Can Cpanel offer this function too?

If we, the hosting companies; meaning your clients loss the competitive edge will also be bad news for you!


With the emerging popularity of unlimited web space account, we need the ability to stop email archiving. Therefore, I see this feature has a most for the close feature.


Daniel Berthiaume wrote:

With the emerging popularity of unlimited web space account, we need the ability to stop email archiving. Therefore, I see this feature has a most for the close feature.
I totally agree!


The only way our team could combat email storage abuse was to develop a cPanel theme and remove quota setting from all areas, then remove theme changing option. Quota is now only adjustable via WHM and set to 100MB


Kumar Sara wrote:

The only way our team could combat email storage abuse was to develop a cPanel theme and remove quota setting from all areas, then remove theme changing option. Quota is now only adjustable via WHM and set to 100MB
Would you share shuch a theme?


cPanelAdamF wrote:

heh, sorry, I guess "on it" is a bit vague. I'm queuing it up for the preliminary research and prototyping phases. We'll also be digging out the previous implementation in order to understand what it got wrong, why it had to be pulled, and what the new implementation should do to get it right.
hi Adam, you have been on it for the past 7 months and there are similar requests to limit mail box sizes going back years.

When can we expect to see this feature implememnted?


A must

total email quota per domain can use - base on package

max email quota per user can create - base on package


Its been 2 years since this was posted with so many comments for this feature request.

When do cpanel think that we can have this function?

We are having competitions selling unlimited email web space with unlimited email accounts but with each email account space limited (preset by the hosting company)

We need this function to be able to be competitive in the market!

Please advise...


cPanel.net apparently has permanently disregarded this request.

After requesting this feature for years, the only conclusion we can come to is that cPanel.net considers this an acceptable flaw in their system, i.e. both technically and one of logic. Thus, they are providing a product, largely to web hosting companies, but are apparently out of touch with the needs of their main customer base. We can come to no other conclusion at this juncture.

Even though such a flaw (of not being able to simply switch off, the UNLIMITED radio button for email accounts in cPanel) results in an endless parade of tickets and support calls every month, due entirely web hosting accounts filling up with useless junk email (specially because of this single feature oversight,) cPanel is apparently willing to let us struggle with this despite the lost revenue, i.e. of time spent on such otherwise unnecessary support hours, and the occasional lost membership/customer base as a result.

Perhaps their marketing staff believes not having such a simple option in WHM will result in increased server sales? I'd like to think such an insidious marketing ploy is NOT going on within cPanel.net, but again, after years of non-response to this request, we are only left to speculate.



Please move up with time before u loss all your edge or supporters.

Hosting provider, time to respond to make this request and not just reading the thread.

Lets push for this function for sake of our own biz


+1 on this request. There's no more discussion on this. An option to disable unlimited and set max quota is simple and enough. Done.


I think cPanel Team ignored, and abuse of power. This is a really demandad request. WE NEED THIS ASAP PLEASE!


It really would be nice to see this feature implemented, and to also be able to set a global hard-limit (say, 1GB) quota per email account. Some users simply refuse to follow recommended guidelines and let their accounts fill up with hundreds of thousands of spams over the course of years, which (correct me if I'm wrong) is just sitting there eating up my iNodes and slowing down my nightly backups.

If we can prevent users from amassing such large numbers of emails sitting neglected on the server I believe we could improve performance and have less disk I/O during nightly full account backups from drive to drive.

Allowing users to just blindly keep filling their accounts with years worth of tiny files is just not practical, and maybe it's more complex than I think but it would seem that giving us the ability to hard-limit email account quotas from WHM wouldn't be that big of a deal, would it?


I've the exact same problem as you do.


Please implement this feature. This would save a lot of time dealing with disk space management.


cPanel is almost perfect. But this is the BIGGEST problem that we have using it. Limit the maximum mailbox size is very important, and a way to disable the "unlimited" option.

Hide "unlimited" radio box is easy. If specify a limit is a problem due to server (dovecot?) limitations, do this via Javascript. The problem is not the "real server limit". The problem is let the USER specify a value above "X". If this can be controlled by Javascript, not allowing submit the form if the quota field is above "X" is enough.


3 years since this was added here and still not implemented. Simply UNBELIEVABLE.


Pretty much like everything else on cPanel. I don't really get why a basic feature such as this one is not implemented.


I agree with you. Even after years. They are not implementing this.


This is ridiculous. This topic was open 3 years ago and this feature is not yet implemented. I found issues regarding this topic due to this missing feature dated at 10 years ago... How can cPanel still WAITING to implement this?


This is certainly a needed function. Users just set the mail quota to unlimited and it just gathers years of spam. I have been able to hide the quota boxes using CSS, but it is not absolute since disabling browser css will expose all hidden elements. Then I removed the ability to switch themes so only paper_lantern can be used.


vi /var/cpanel/customizations/styled/styles.css

/*---[ Block Email Quota ]----*/

div#new_email_account_input_div div.form-group.quotawrap,

table#table_email_accts tr.rowA table tr td:nth-child(2),

table#table_email_accts tr.rowB table tr td:nth-child(2),

div.body-content div.section:nth-child(2) div#new_email_account_input_div div.form-group:nth-child(5)



Ideally, I

would love to limit the amount of email a package mail takes (EX: Unlimited

WebSite hosting, but 25Go email Storage). Once this is done, he may setup up 1

email of 25Go of 10 email of 2.5Go, this is up to the clients.

The control

Panel “Hosting Controller” is currently offering such an option for its account

(Tested in a cluster with Smarter Mail enterprise edition).


Why not, I like the idea of limiting per total mailbox quota !


Why this isn't implemented yet?


I don't understand why cPanel doesn't implement this right now.


imap is killing my servers disk storage...why is cPanel ignorign us on this?


Hey all! We're definitely not ignoring this, or any other feature request, but we haven't found the development time for this one yet.

One thing that might help in these situations, though, is our recently added support for MDBox, which is a feature of Dovecot that can significantly reduce inode use. This was added in order to get us closer to the ability to support incremental remote backups, which is one of the most highly voted requests at this time.

Thanks for your continued interest in improving cPanel, and if you have any questions about mdbox you can either find me on twitter, ask your webhost, or open a ticket with our support team.


Hi Benny as much as I want to believe you that you haven't found the development time for this, it's been 3 years and counting and I'm sure that in that time, development time could have been scheduled. This is a crucial feature that is needed and we are all feeling very ignored about this topic. Simply allowing us to disable unlimited mailboxes is one step closer and that's a simple development change.


I can totally understand why you don't feel heard. The development department is in a very different place now than it was 3 years ago, and I think we might be able to sneak this in somewhere. As such, I've added this to my list of things to bring up to the development team to see what we can or can't do on it. If there's any update, I'll definitely pass it on here.


I really would like to have this feature in cpanel. This would really help in my disk management.


I think this is an absolute essential feature - unlimited mailboxes are a very bad idea and encourage users' to manage their quotas properly.


This is a big mistake to totally remove the 'unlimited' email quota option completely. It should be controlled, but still have the option to enable 'unlimited' quota for some clients. Do not remove it completely. This option should be available for selected clients/web packages and not globally. In cPanel, the client should not have the option to set their own quotas unless you set it in WHM for that client/web package..

I posted a similar feature to have the option to disable or enable it under WHM and to allow us to set our own quotas and nobody even voted or commented on it, so I ask myself why has this particular feature got so many votes compared to my similar feature. Something is wrong here.



Hey everyone! One of our developers took a look at what it would take to get this accomplished in our product. The code and testing changes are definitely not trivial, and would likely take a full sprint (which for us is around 14 days) of one of our development teams to get it completed. The good news is that one of our development teams has added this feature to their backlog, so I can confidently move this to 'Planned' at this point. The team hasn't committed to a version in which they might delivery it, but as soon as they are able to start work I will make sure we provide an update here.


Hallelujah!!! There is some light at the end of the tunnel. This is great news. Thank you Benny. You came through for us.


I do what I can. :)


Hi Benny,

Is this a feature I already started a while ago and got not votes for it? Will you also be implementing the features I mentioned here?:





When the team actually starts work on the ability to disable Unlimited quotas, your concerns will definitely be considered but your feature request would be outside the scope of this request. If they can easily get your request included they definitely will. Else we'll be waiting to see how much additional interest there is in that request.


Thanks Benny. Would be a great feature to add. In fact, it's a no brainer and should have been in WHM a long time ago (not cPanel), it makes sense for the admin to control email quotas due to disk space, add-on costs, etc.



I have the problem with this. Our hosting have a unlimited disk space, but the unlimited disk just for web hosting. Then for mail hosting will set to 10GB. I can't do if this feature not released.

So, I'm very happy if this feature release!


This won't be included in version 62, and isn't currently in the works for 64, but I'll let everyone know if that changes at all.


This is something that MUST BE delivered in 64.


Unfortunately that's not very likely at this point, but if that changes I will definitely update everyone here!


Hang on, I already created this feature request many months ago, so this feature is a copy of it. I still think it is a good idea, but somehow the devs are not including it. I think it is very important to have such a feature, but only allow admins/resellers to authorize whether we should activate the unlimited option. My concern is that members of a cPanel can either add a certain amount of quota or an unlimited amount. I think we as admin/resellers should initially have contrl over it and add the quota amount ourselves for them depending on which web package they choose, including unlimited if they pay for it as an add-on. This way the admins/resellers, well especially resellers can make some additional money from such a service.


Hi Tony! You can see the list of requests that you've opened on your profile page, but the request I think you're referencing was to disallow cPanel users from being able to adjust their own email quotas. That's the same request that you linked to in your comment around 5 months ago, in this thread.


Hi Benny, I suppose it is a similar thread and I think I talked about the unlimited quota part too. One day I hope they will add it as I'm really enjoying the updates. I actually enjoy using cPanel. Keep the good work going as you can see we like loads of new features. I especially like the new free SSL feature, that was necessary as I used to use it a lot on my previous reseller account for testing purposes instead of buying an SSL, just in case of errors. I really enjoy our chats too. Take care.

Regards, Tony


Good news everyone! One of our teams has started to do the research on this. There are still too many variables to commit to a version (including the initial look indicating more than 20 different APIs would be touched, not to mention the different UIs to touch, and other potential considerations related to email quotas). As soon as I get more information I'll be back to update here.


This is a very good new! But I will be thankful when this come implemented...


Hi Benny,

Great news. Wouldn't this just be an easy fix, a few lines of javascript code maybe? I assume there will be repercussions on other scripts.

Thanks, Tony


Unfortunately, no. IT's definitely not an easy fix. The closer we look, the more that we uncover that would need to be touched. While the javascript code might adjust the way the cPanel email account UI looks, that doesn't take into account the many other ways that emails accounts (and their quotas) get set and adjusted.


This has been determined to be too big for the team that did the research, but it's been passed to one of our other feature teams, We're hoping to see this get developed in version 66, but no promises yet. As soon as there's anything firm I'll be back!


Thanks Benny. Great news. I'm sure we'll see this at some point. Very important feature to have. Some admins/resellers can actually make some money as an add-on.


Hey folks! This feature was added to version 72 and backported to 70 as part of the work we did on version 70. You should be able to find it in your interface now!


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