Update IonCube to 13.x
Already Exists
Ioncube 13.x has been released to support PHP 8.2. I'd like to see this updated in cpanel so we can have it for PHP 8.2
Ioncube 13.x has been released to support PHP 8.2. I'd like to see this updated in cpanel so we can have it for PHP 8.2
Hey there! This already exists at the time I'm creating this reply:
ea-php81-php-ioncube13.x86_64 : v13 Loader for ionCube-encoded PHP files
ea-php82-php-ioncube13.src : v13 Loader for ionCube-encoded PHP files
ea-php82-php-ioncube13.x86_64 : v13 Loader for ionCube-encoded PHP files
Hey there! This already exists at the time I'm creating this reply:
ea-php81-php-ioncube13.x86_64 : v13 Loader for ionCube-encoded PHP files
ea-php82-php-ioncube13.src : v13 Loader for ionCube-encoded PHP files
ea-php82-php-ioncube13.x86_64 : v13 Loader for ionCube-encoded PHP files
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