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Update clean_user_php_sessions to handle valid session.save_path options

outpostmm shared this idea 22 months ago
Needs Review

The clean_user_php_sessions script which deletes expired PHP session files gets the session save path from the session.save_path INI option. According to the manual here:


The save_path can take the forms /path, or N;/path, or N;MODE;/path. The clean_user_php_sessions script assumes it is the first case only. It should be updated to check for the semicolons and, if present in the save_path, use the value after the last semicolon as the actual path.

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Here's the fix that I'm using:

sub clean_sessions ( $path, $regex, $maxlife = undef ) {

    # session.save_path could be commented out, in which case we will let PHP handle garbage collection.
    # outpostmm changes - start
    # removed the check to make sure $path is a directory that exists
    return 0 if !defined $path;
    # outpostmm changes - end

    $maxlife = $Cpanel::ProgLang::Supported::php::Ini::SESSION_MAXLIFETIME if !defined $maxlife;

    # get_basic_directives can return values with leading/trailing whitespace.
    s/^\s+|\s+$//g for ( $path, $maxlife );

    $maxlife = $Cpanel::ProgLang::Supported::php::Ini::SESSION_MAXLIFETIME if $maxlife !~ /^\d+$/;

    # outpostmm changes - start
    # We need to split the path on semicolons and use the last element as the path
    # Move the directory validation down here
    my @chunks = split(';', $path);
    $path = $chunks[scalar(@chunks) - 1];
    return 0 if !-d $path;
    # outpostmm changes - end

    my $time = time;

    opendir( my $dh, $path ) or die "Could not open directory $path: $!";

    while ( my $file = readdir $dh ) {
        next if $file !~ m/$regex/i;
        my $ctime = ( stat("$path/$file") )[10];
        unlink "$path/$file" if $time - $ctime > $maxlife;

    return 1;
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