role based notifications
Not Planned
We are in a situation where we need to reflect the success or failure of each server's backup in our internal dashboard.
I cannot find any hook that fires AFTER all backups are complete, as I thought I would since the email is sent after that occurs.
In our case the email is sent with a subject [server fqdn] The backup process completed (with errors). If I had role based email notification, I could assign backups to a special email that my office manager, my sysadmin and a newscript that places the result into our dashboard.
Thanks for the feedback and suggestion. This isn't on our current roadmap, but we will update this FR if and when that changes.
Dustin Scherer (he/him) | Product Owner | @dustinscherer
Thanks for the feedback and suggestion. This isn't on our current roadmap, but we will update this FR if and when that changes.
Dustin Scherer (he/him) | Product Owner | @dustinscherer
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