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As a cPanel System Administrator I rely on load average display in top right corner

PbG shared this idea 2 years ago

When doing any work in WHM it is helpful to see at a glance the current server load averages. These were formerly displayed in the top right corner. Additionally the process manager does not display load averages. It is an inconvenience to say the least when you must unveil load averages from sub menu.

Best Answer

Hi Spiro,

The load averages is on it's way to v102. We should see this change within the next couple of weeks.

Returning the hostname (and more) is still in development at this time. Here is a screenshot of how this is looking as of April 26th.61b0add05bb12d346f428b395f921573

Replies (15)


I second this. While I acknowledge that due to initial feedback the cPanel devs added them to the main index page, I would like to see them while I am on any page within WHM, and there is plenty of empty space on the top bar next to the search field. I understand they want to keep things clean in this new design, but this is a necessary feature that at the very least should be able to be enabled for those of us who are accustomed to having and want to have this data available to us the way we have used it for years to manage our servers.


I second this. Removing the load averages from the WHM UI has been a big mistake. Please bring it back, maybe as a configurable on/off switch for root, then for resellers. A lot of us need this.


PLEASE bring back having the load averages visible on every WHM page!!!!!!!


And of course, bring it back with live 1-minute checks like it always used to be.


The tool is still there if you click the server icon AND it updates much faster than the previous version. Can you check that out?



We have already acknowledged that it is there and are saying that is not adequate for our usage style. We don't want to have to constantly expand things just to see the load averages when they have been displayed prominently on the screen at all times for ages and there is plenty of room for them to remain.


CPRex -you don't seem to understand that we watch this stat in real time, for example when viewing the Process Manager page, and wanting to watch the load change as processes start and stop, in real time, without having to click yet again another menu option "if you click the server icon" each time we see a change on the Process Manager screen, or I refresh the Process Manager screen. I do this frequently and its a pain to have to click the server icon each time as well as refreshing the screen, plus we have always been able to do this, so removing it is actually a downgrade of functionality to what we've had all along. We have always been able to watch the load change in real time without having to click anything.


The important distinction here is that one is passive and one is active. When displayed always on the page, it allows you to passively have a critical metric of the server operational's state and health within view at all times, no matter which page you're on, whether you're in the middle of other administration tasks within WHM or even doing something else altogether and simply have that browser window hanging around in the background - so that it's there for you to notice in case there is an abnormal spike. The expandable menu requires active engagement. You click it specifically when you specifically want to check the load averages, which offers no benefit of having them in background view in the event you need to notice them without actively deciding to check the load averages.

This would be comparable to a hospital bed's heart rate monitor being available only if someone chooses to enter the room, power on the screen and check the metrics, but otherwise never beeping or having any display unless manually engaged. Those of us who want this feature back are essentially of the school of thought that the heart rate monitor should be audible from outside the hospital room so we can notice it while walking by in the event something odd happens.


Chris metaphor of the hospital bed's heart rate monitor is so accurate that I cannot wonder WHY cPanel designers decided to hide the cpu load monitor. Looks like they don't understand how a sysadmin work, that's why this must be fixed.

ASAP. PLEASE. We are paying a lot but we are losing features instead of gaining...


Why was this removed in the first place ?


Thank you for the feedback regarding the load averages. I can share that we are evaluating ways to bring it back without requiring a click to see it or browsing to the index page to see the new widget.

With Jupiter, we are creating an interface that is consistent between all of the product interfaces. As a result of the conversation here as well as a few interviews with key partners and customers, we realized just how important load averages truly can be. One interviewee shared that seeing those load averages change immediately while they were investigating a load problem is absolutely key to rapid resolution times and great customer service.

While the first priority is surfacing load averages in the navigation, we foresee showing other information to improve your experience during diagnosis & analysis of performance problems in future versions. Process Count, memory usage, and disk space usage all came up as important in conversations.

We have directed a dev team to have a look. They are preparing an iteration for immediate implementation which shows the load averages in the omnipresent part of the navigation that also can be added to cleanly over time as we improve Jupiter. Our release team has directed us to target cPanel & WHM 104 or later with updates so please expect that.


Thank you for cPanel's speedy recognition of the importance of this issue and the need to act on it quickly. Plus taking it beyond the immediate issue to see there there are other helpful tools that can display in the same area on the screen.

I like Jupiter and consider it an improved interface. I understand it is new, and complex. Your speedy response to this issue shows me you are serious about continuing to refine the interface, and with listening to customer feedback.

thank you


I would suggest not over complicating what you are adding back. We only need what was there before. Update notifications and load averages you can click on.



You definitely also hid the warning advising you to restart the server to apply software updates. Now we cannot know if a reboot is needed unless we deliberately type "needs-restarting" in the terminal or ssh window...

You guys are having a serious issue with the design team! They are trying to cleanse the UI but are obviously unaware of how a server has to be managed.

Please fix this too.


+1 to this important issue



WHM Jupiter theme is a bad example of minimalism.

A System Administrator should lead the direction of the Design releases.

Also the menu in WHM is a pain in the ass with every day tasks.

Finding the right menu now takes more than twice the time.

It really is a shame of theme.


Here is a work-in-progress screenshot from an internal development branch with the load averages back in the top right of the WHM Nav. We are targeting this for v102 and it should arrive in the coming weeks. (We've got a few outstanding bugs and visual tweaks to do to it)


Additionally, we are intending to return the Hostname, OS, and server-technology (kvm?) back to the top header as well, though that is not depicted here and will likely arrive separate from this.


Clicking on the load averages should take you to the process manager page. Hope you include that as well... no reason to remove capabilities and features right?


yes, that is planned as a part of this implementation.


I would like to add Process manager would be enhanced with time process has been running added to displayed columns. Please start a new Feature Request if necessary.




Efforts to bring the hostname, OS, and platform technology back to the top nav is likely to require us to iterate on that screenshot I posted in my update two days ago. Once I have something to share, I'll post it here for discussion!


Hey folks,

Here is our latest wireframe that also includes some more information in the header as an example to see how much space it will use up. This places Load averages closer to the left nav, with the intent that it is always globally visible on all WHM pages (just in a different place).


I don't think this will go over well. Remove the hostname.... it was never there before and simply clutters the top. Let's address the update and reboot required notifications in the top instead as that was a functionality previously there and thus is expected


Hi VF,

The subdomain of the hostname was visible before (see example screenshot, the portion in brackets: [lbclv100] ). We're bringing it back and hope that it will be more readable than it was in the past.


Any Updates for this Kelly?

cant wait to have this active again thanks

Kind Regards,



Hi Spiro,

The load averages is on it's way to v102. We should see this change within the next couple of weeks.

Returning the hostname (and more) is still in development at this time. Here is a screenshot of how this is looking as of April 26th.61b0add05bb12d346f428b395f921573


Does this bar stretch across the entire top? I'm hoping this is condensed to the top right corner like before. With the except of the hostname cluttering things up (it will be visible in your browser address bar) this looks better.


Hi VF,

Yes the bar extends across the top. Load Average is right aligned, and everything else will be left aligned.


Why is everything else shoved to the left?


Reboot shows in the notifications. Does it not. So why all the fuss. Just click the blue highlighted notification icon and you see it there. If I’m not mistaken


i am not sure if it is included in notifications, right now i have a bunch of servers that report a lot on "needs-restarting" command, but not report needs restarting on notification icon, until now, never saw that on notifications.

have you see it ?


No that isn't going to have as much value. We need to be able to see a pending restart or update at a glance from anywhere.. just like before.


Is there not a way to create a small pop up that does not have (X) to remove until you actually update or restart server from any page in WHM you see it on top.

It would be the same thing. Then you click on notification and restart or update server.

Because I like the notifications area and have added a request to add services down to that area. So we get notification if any service is down while in WHM at a glance. We see the blue icon highlighted click notification and see that spamd is down or another service Nginx for instance.



I still don't see what's so hard about the notification area.

it gets highlighted when there is a issue. or server needs something. so what's the difference of getting that in notifications or it actually saying reboot. on any page. the notification is on every page as well. just you need to click to see what it says. so if you see it highlighted are you not going to click on it? Yes you are, so it will say restart server or update to latest version. then you click on that and it takes you to reboot ore update cPanel.

Here is the link to my Idea for the Notifications area.

so I think this idea would serve a great purpose for all of us.


@Rodrigo A.

PS in The notification area dropdown. I have only seen 2 types of notifications.

Update cPanel with next version

Restart server after pkg update and or kernel updates

I'm pretty sure since I wrote that in my Feature request

@VF I would think a down service would be just as important (if not more) that an update or server restart.

to be visible at all times. so how can we get that to be active top window always.. Nginx was down for me a couple days ago. only notification was via email. and my phone was dead. so i did not get that email notification.

so I did not know about it. plus no notification until I went to services and saw it was down.

now if it was highlighted and in the Notification area I would if seen it right away.

just saying im not arguing with you just giving you my insight


@Spiro Unfortunately a POP would probably be intrusive and cover stuff or interfere with an action. I think a static location that is always there no matter where you go is ideal.

@Spiro G I agree that a down service should have enough precedence to immediately draw attention to it. Personally I think the best solution would be immediately visible with readable text that does not intrude on your actions.


@VF Thanks for your reply :)

It would be a lot of information on that little space on the top right in my Honest Opinion. restart server is one thing but down service could be a handful to add in the same spot. unless it was down MySQL or down httpd I guess it could work either way. I just want to have Notifications for down services and when clicked on you go to the one page of all services and be able to see what's wrong. restart service if it gives an error you get a popup with that information as to why its down so you can work on it to get it working again.

that's my Idea of that blue dot for notifications.


IMO that blue dot notification of update/restart are not prominent. Yes I am going to click that blue dot. Problem are I will not notice it as easily as I did prior notification in yellow mind you that literally spelled out action needed/available. Frankly I only learned of the blue dot feature when reading these comments. Given the reboot or update may address a recently discovered exploit or vulnerability I would like a more prominent notification of important if not critical update/action.




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Agreed that it is not prominent. These types of notification displays are not suitable for critical information as there is no discerning the information until you click. I think it is harmful to put anything between this information and the admin's eyes... even one click.


any notification that you get is critical, especially if your services are down, imagine your Mysql id down and your hosting 100 plus sites. that would be awful. incase your email did not go through. so you log in and wham there is a blue dot. what the >> ?? let me check. Sh*t MySQL is down for all my sites. whoops let me fix it.

:) thanks

all I'm saying is the original popup to restart the server is only 1 notification on the top does not cover other areas that normally don't show up that are just as critical. IMHO


I swear I don't know why you guys put that up.

Whether we pay for Prime licenses for dedicated, Cloud or Solo.

Will it have another name in the future? Wouldn't this be useless information?

In fact, the whole OS field, why show this?


Why is the search/tool field being duplicated in space load average & prominent notification used to be? Seems redundant.

May 10, 2022 14:54:07 cPanel Feature Requests <features@community.cpanel.net>:


I really wish you would remove this redundant search bar and restore the server environment and version so we can copy that information quickly when we need to. This is ridiculous.


Security advisor says server needs to be rebooted.  Yet there is no notification in upper right hand corner indicating the same. These are important notifications we need timely and prominent notice of. Get rid of the redundant search box focus search effort improvements on the left search bar and restore server environment, cP version and prominent notification to the upper right hand corner of wHM please!

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