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Favorites section in the menu WHM and channel

Joe Saladino shared this idea 4 years ago

It would be nice to have a favorites menu created by right clicking a menu entry and placing it in or deleting from the favorites menu.

Best Answer

Hi everyone!

We've replaced the Top Tools section with the Favorites section in the WHM Home interface. WHM Favorites is a new feature in v106 that allows a WHM user to select their favorite WHM features into its own group. The following capabilities are possible for any WHM user:

  • Customize your Favorites at the top of WHM Index to have your most accessed applications at your fingertips.
  • Reorder your favorite applications using drag and drop capabilities.
  • Toggle a descriptive view or a compact view for your favorites.

In v108, we will add your favorites in the WHM left navigation so that it is always available when you need it.

Replies (18)


How would you view this feature being implemented specifically?

Would you want the link bar to persist on *every* page you navigated to within WHM? Should it only appear when visiting the Home/initial page of WHM?

As much detail as you can provide on how you see it implemented and utilized would further assist in potentially gaining interest/votes from other customers. It would also help us (cPanel) better understand your intended use cases.


Thank you for the response.

To elaborate - in my mind it would work like a bookmark bar on the browser. As you use WHM you would have the option to drag or somehow add links to a fixed bar across the top. There are already two rows of information in the header, and if it was possible to collapse the current information to a single row then this would not require additional height.

In the attached you can see where I've swapped the header row ordering and merged the content to allow for a second "Bookmark" row. The second row would just be a long list of whatever links you placed there. I feel the ability to sort the bookmark order would be necessary with the option to drag or somehow remove again the bookmark.


For anyone interested in this idea, here is an example of a bookmarklette that will open phpMyAdmin from an active WHM login.



One of the things we have considered in the past was to replace the main WHM Index page area (the tiles with icons in them) with a page that's much more useful for system administrators. Your idea of a configurable Favorites section would be something that could go on that.


Which kinds of things would you like to put in that area?


Links to things I use often like Create Account, List Accounts, and Change Site's IP Address. Perhaps also PhpMyAdmin


There is discussion in https://features.cpanel.net/topic/replace-the-whm-index-page-with-the-list-accounts-page regarding how we could better use the WHM Index Page that you may want to participate in too.


That's good too, but not as handy as being able to get to commonly-used links from anywhere without having to go back to the home page.


The way I see this would be a “Add to favorates” link on each main page in WHM so users can easily add links to the pages they use the most.


Yeah, I think that's a good approach as long as there's a way to rename what they're called so you can shorten the name and fit more.


It would be great to have an option in the WHM that can allow us to drag and drop the icons we would like onto the top section for easy access. They would also remain in the normal section, so duplicates basically. Also if we can even add icons used by plug ins like the app installer's actual apps, that would be great too! Also if we can choose the name of the section that would help as well.

Anything to help the user has a more simple time saving process is a big win!


Would really like to see this also.

Display the favourite links at the top of the home page as well as maybe a drop menu at the top of each screen?


for me it is a good page if you first started the server; but after working with the product for years this is not really the best layout..at least the old on showed the major categories which was a tab better than the layout after the 76..0.4 upgrade.


A customizeable home screen would be nice, but it will likely take time to implement. Until then the cPanel developers should return the home screen to v.74 style. That should be easy to add to the next build.


Why would someone mark this down? 🙄

I stumbled across this as I was looking if it's possible to set a default home screen. 9 times out of 10 I login to WHM, I want the list accounts screen, I should be able to set this as the default landing page.

The new home screen does help out on this, as now I don't have to search on the left. however, I should be able to just search for the hosting account I want as my first action.


Hey all! While this specific feature hasn't been updated, we have added a way to switch between the new look and the historical look in the WHM interface:


We're still planning on adding the customization, but I wanted to let you know we'd made this small pivot as well!


I think our best option for this would be if there was a 3rd toggle added next to view: one called custom and then a small link or accordion menu to allow us to add or remove items from it.

Ideally I'd like easy access to the "service Status" page from home

OR as a bonus, the option to add a few custom views rather than 1


What Greg said - an ability to select custom and select from a pull down list of features (that are already iconified at each subgroup level i might add) that get added when selected.


What happened to this? I have version 94 and nothing appears to have changed. This is not a complex task to complete, but none of the team have responded here about what can be done about the OP.


In v106, we are building a feature that would allow a WHM user to pin their favorite interfaces to the top of WHM Index in Jupiter. Please share your thoughts on this feature idea and let me know if it does not serve your needs for this feature request. The following 5 requests are being tracked for this implementation:


Hi everyone!

We've replaced the Top Tools section with the Favorites section in the WHM Home interface. WHM Favorites is a new feature in v106 that allows a WHM user to select their favorite WHM features into its own group. The following capabilities are possible for any WHM user:

  • Customize your Favorites at the top of WHM Index to have your most accessed applications at your fingertips.
  • Reorder your favorite applications using drag and drop capabilities.
  • Toggle a descriptive view or a compact view for your favorites.

In v108, we will add your favorites in the WHM left navigation so that it is always available when you need it.

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