Hide visual appearance of automatic subdomains from account-creations & AWStats
As a systems administrator, I would like it so that whenever a client already has an add-on/subdomain created and need to create additional sub-accounts (i.e. FTP, email, web disk, etc) cPanel will hide the any additional subdomains of the primary (such as addondomain.primarydomain.com so that they are not confused about its existence.
Whenever a user creates a new addon-domain, cPanel needs to automatically create a corresponding sub-domain on top of the primary domain. I call them "automatic sub-domains". This is obviously unchangeable at the current state and Im fine with that. BUT:
Whenever a user/client is having at least one addon-domain already created and they want to create additional mail-accounts, ftp-accounts, webdisk-users etc. then these users will be confronted with those automatic sub-domains and may wonder about why their domain-portfolio has multiplied. From user perspective his portfolio contains of the following (example):
… and that's it. So for creating additional accounts (mail, ftp etc.) they expect only these 2 domains to setup accounts for. But instead they are presented a third domain "addondomain.primarydomain.com" and might get confused (and therefore call our support for clarification). Although I have setup an article about this issue in our KB, clients keep on complaining about this. Some users have multiple addon-domains and accordingly a "visual" duplication and clutter of their domain-portfolio.
Although domain-portfolios are enhanced with the new "Domain" tab which came with v76 (thank you for this!), but this feature request is to "Please hide the visual appearance of automatic sub-domains" from wherever they may appear:
- mail-accounts
- ftp-accounts
- webdisk-accounts
- AWstats (!)
- Softaculous
- MultiPHP
A few "similar" feature requests already exist on this forum, so if you want to vote for this feature, please consider to vote not only here, but also there:
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