Exim Maximum Emails Per Hour setting should count total RECIPIENTS
Exim has a setting to limit the number of emails per hour a domain can send. It is titled "Maximum Hourly Email by Domain Relayed"
We have a customer that is limited to 100 emails per hour, due to previous "infections" that caused spamming. This customer was infected a second time, and they were able to send out a few THOUSAND emails before we stopped them.
As it turns out, WHM only counts individual emails. If there are 100 recipients per email, then a setting of 100 emails per hour would allow TEN THOUSAND emails per hour to be sent,
One proposed solution was to reduce the custom "recipients_max" value in Exim, but that is a server-wide setting (affecting every customer) plus per RFC standards, we should be allowing up to 100 recipients per email (you can allow less, but most servers allow 100, so making ours less than 100 would be non-standard).
The proposal is for cPanel to find a way to count the number of RECIPIENTS per hour, not just the number of emails sent.
See discussion here: https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/maximum-number-of-emails-per-hour-messages-or-recipients.464691/
Thanks for listening!
This was resolved in cPanel & WHM Version 72, with the addition of the Potential spammer hourly threshold tweak settings
This was resolved in cPanel & WHM Version 72, with the addition of the Potential spammer hourly threshold tweak settings
This was resolved in cPanel & WHM Version 72, with the addition of the Potential spammer hourly threshold tweak settings
This was resolved in cPanel & WHM Version 72, with the addition of the Potential spammer hourly threshold tweak settings
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