Uknown SSL/TLS Status Icon & Search Filtering
Needs Review
In the cPanel "SSL/TLS Status Icons" interface when a domain doesn't have a certificate the following info is displayed:
- Certificate Status: No certificate available
- Icon: The "forbidden" symbol
- Icon tooltip: Unsecured
When a domain has a certificate but is not recognized, usually because it's self-signed, the following info is displayed:
- Certificate Status: Unknown Certificate Type
- Icon: The "forbidden" symbol
- Icon tooltip: Unknown Certificate Type
Technically, the unknown type does secure the domain but is not recognized so the forbidden symbol is not an accurate depiction.
- Change the "forbidden" symbol to, for example, "question mark" for "Unknown Certificate Type" status, because it is so much easier to navigate through the list when you have more than 500 certs.
- Add an "Unknown" item in the "SSL Types" or "SSL Statuses" lists for advanced search filtering because currently there is no way to filter this type of certificates.
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